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Corruption allegations surface in Chamisa's Blue Movement

by Staff reporter
06 Mar 2024 at 14:51hrs | Views
Nelson Chamisa's Blue Movement nationwide mobilisation rallies have reportedly become a source of enrichment for a select few, with accusations of embezzlement and financial mismanagement surfacing.

A source close to the matter revealed to this publication that Chamisa's confidante, Gift Ostallos Siziva, is allegedly exploiting these rallies for personal gain, diverting monetary donations intended for mobilisation efforts towards his own pockets.

According to the source, during a recent mobilisation meeting held in Gwanda, Siziva purportedly received a substantial sum of US$15 000 from the US Embassy.

The funds were designated for covering attendance allowances, food, and transport costs for rally participants. However, Siziva, along with an accomplice named Jastone Mazhale, allegedly conspired to syphon off a portion of the funds for personal use.

"Only 40 attendees at the rally were provided with US$20 each, while the bulk of the money was pocketed by Siziba and Mazhale," the source disclosed.

Furthermore, Siziva allegedly withheld information regarding the total amount received from the US Embassy, failing to disclose the extent of funding to his colleagues, including Amos Chibaya.

"It has become Siziva's modus operandi to solicit for funds from Western Embassies under the guise of advocating for democratic reforms in the country while diverting a portion of them for personal enrichment," the source added, shedding light on the pattern of behaviour observed within Chamisa's inner circle.

Concerns over financial transparency and accountability within Chamisa's faction persist, with calls for independent oversight and scrutiny of funding allocations for mobilisation activities.

Political analyst Sarah Moyo warned of potential ramifications of such corruption allegations on the credibility and integrity of the opposition movement, urging swift action to address the issue and restore public trust.

"The misuse of funds intended for grassroots mobilisation undermines the legitimacy of the opposition's cause and erodes public confidence. Chamisa's faction must prioritise transparency and accountability to maintain credibility," remarked Moyo, emphasising the importance of ethical leadership within the opposition.

It's not the first time that Siziba has been accused of  mishandling party finances. He stands accused of withholding finances meant for Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislators and councillors who contested in the 2023 general elections under Bulawayo Province.

Efforts to get  comment from Siziva were futile as his mobile phones were not reachable.

Source - hararepost