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Bulawayo temperatures to reach 36°C

by Staff reporter
06 Mar 2024 at 16:08hrs | Views
The Meteorological Services Department has issued a warning of a heatwave across the country, with Bulawayo and Binga expected to reach temperatures as high as 36 degrees Celsius and 40 degrees Celsius.

The heatwave is expected to persist from today until March 12, with temperatures potentially rising to 41 degrees Celsius.

While isolated thundershowers are forecasted for this week, the department has cautioned the public to stay hydrated and take precautions against the health risks associated with extreme heat, including sudden death for vulnerable individuals.

The heatwave is attributed to a persistent northerly air mass and a high-pressure system that restricts the dissipation of heat energy. The department advises people to drink plenty of water, seek shade, and wear protective headgear.

Monitoring of the situation will continue, and updates will be provided to the public.

Source - The Chronicle