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Mnangagwa has not stopped Madzibaba Ishmael prosecution

by Staff reporter
31 Mar 2024 at 11:35hrs | Views
CLAIM: President Emmerson Mnangagwa allegedly issued a directive to drop a court case against Ishmael Chokurongerwa (Madzibaba Ishmael), who is facing charges of running a Christian Apostolic faith sect that barred children from attending school and buried people without following legal processes.

A statement dated March 19, 2024 purportedly from the chief secretary to the President and Cabinet went viral on social media stating that, the presidency was of the belief that the allegations against Madzibaba Ishmael and company "lack substantial merit".

Part of the statement reads: "It is worth noting that Madzibaba Ishmael has played a significant role within the Mupostori community during the recent electoral campaign".

Is this true or false?

Verdict: False

The above statement was dismissed as false by George Charamba the deputy chief secretary to the President and Cabinet. Charamba took to X to deny the statement saying: "They will try all sorts of propaganda but, what they can never do is match the house style of the OPC (Office of the President and Cabinet)!!!"

Source - zimfact