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Petina Gappah retracts defamatory statements against Mahere

by Staff reporter
27 May 2024 at 12:13hrs | Views
Lawyer and author Petina Gappah has retracted defamatory statements made against Fadzayi Mahere, concluding a prolonged legal battle.

In 2018, Gappah accused Mahere of gaining admission to the University of Zimbabwe in 2004 through her father's influence due to insufficient qualifications and alleged that Mahere attempted to steal her boyfriend. Additionally, Gappah claimed she assisted Mahere with her Cambridge application essay in 2009, leading to a US$1 million lawsuit.

Despite several failed attempts to block the trial, Gappah issued a retraction and apology:

"In order to bring a conclusive end to the legal action, I hereby fully and unequivocally retract all the statements that I made about her, both on Twitter and in subsequent legal pleadings, and tender a full, public and unreserved apology to Advocate Mahere for any pain, hurt or distress that were caused by my statements.

"I wish Advocate Mahere continued success in her political career, her career as a civil society activist, and her career as an advocate.

"As a demonstration of my good faith, sincerity, and regret, I undertake to make a donation in Advocate Mahere's name to the charity of her choice.

"It is my sincere hope that this full retraction and apology brings finality and closure to this matter."

Gappah also pledged to donate to a charity chosen by Mahere.

Previously, Gappah had informed the High Court that she was prepared to defend her statements and had witnesses to support her claims.

Source - newzimbabwe