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Man rapes brother's wife at knife-point

by Staff reporter
19 Jun 2024 at 07:29hrs | Views
In Harare, regional magistrate Letwin Rwodzi sentenced a 29-year-old man from Chinamhora, Mashonaland East province, to 15 years in prison for raping his brother's wife.

The incident occurred on May 19, 2024, when the victim was alone at home while her husband was away.

Upon hearing a knock at the gate, she went to investigate and recognized the perpetrator, inviting him inside. Once inside, he locked the door, brandished a knife, and proceeded to rape her.

After the assault, he warned her not to disclose the incident to anyone before leaving. Upon her husband's return, she immediately reported the rape, leading to the man's arrest by the police. The court heard the case presented by State representative Cecilia Mashingaidze.

Source - newsday
More on: #Rape, #Knife, #Wife