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Chivayo investigation hits stumbling block

by Staff reporter
19 Jun 2024 at 07:33hrs | Views
The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) is facing obstacles in its investigations into Wicknell Chivayo, Mike Chimombe, and Moses Mpofu for suspected money laundering.

Two key suspects, Chimombe and Mpofu, are currently abroad, delaying their interviews. Zacc Chairperson Michael Reza disclosed that the commission had gathered substantial documentary evidence related to the case.

Chimombe and Mpofu's legal representatives, Antonio and Dzvetero Legal Practitioners, confirmed their clients' absence and stated their willingness to cooperate upon their return to Zimbabwe. Zacc spokesperson Thandiwe Mlobane acknowledged receipt of the lawyers' letter but did not specify the commission's next steps.

Chivayo, another central figure in the investigation, is also reportedly out of the country. The trio gained attention following an audio leak implicating them in alleged misconduct regarding a Zimbabwe Electoral Commission tender worth US$40 million for the 2023 elections. It was revealed that the tender amount was significantly inflated.

The controversy also extends to the presidential goat scheme, prompting Zacc's interest in interviewing Chimombe and Mpofu on this matter as well. Opposition figures, including Sengezo Tshabangu of the Citizens Coalition for Change, have called for parliamentary scrutiny of Chivayo's involvement in national affairs, expressing concerns over accountability.

Source - newsday