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Matebeleland South leadership targets diaspora investors

by Staff reporter
19 Jun 2024 at 07:38hrs | Views
The Zimbabwean government is gearing up for the Diaspora Investment Conference scheduled for July 4 to 6 in Beitbridge, with a focus on encouraging Zimbabweans abroad to invest in Matebeleland South province. The event, themed "Matebeleland South Province: Unlocking New Investment Frontiers through Diaspora Community Engagement," will be conducted in a hybrid format, facilitating both physical and virtual participation.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, various government ministries, departments, and agencies tasked with promoting diaspora involvement in national development will be actively involved in the conference. The objectives include showcasing investment opportunities within Matebeleland South to diaspora communities and potential investors, and continuing the momentum from the earlier National Diaspora Investment Conference held in Masvingo earlier this year.

The conference aims to foster dialogue and partnerships among diaspora communities, local and foreign investors, and the private sector, exploring potential investment opportunities and collaborations available in Matebeleland South province.

Source - southeren eye