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Govt warns unregistered casinos, gaming shops

by Staff reporter
20 Jun 2024 at 07:31hrs | Views
Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister Kazembe Kazembe has issued a stern warning against illegal gaming activities in Zimbabwe, emphasizing that the government will not tolerate unauthorized operations of casinos, gaming shops, and betting facilities.

In a recent statement, Minister Kazembe highlighted that setting up such establishments without proper approval from the Lotteries and Gaming Board of Zimbabwe is a violation of Section 31 of the Lotteries and Gaming Act [Chapter 10:26]. He emphasized that these activities pose risks to public safety and target unsuspecting individuals.

Minister Kazembe stressed that individuals and entities found engaging in illegal gaming operations will face severe legal consequences. He affirmed that the Lotteries and Gaming Board, in collaboration with law enforcement agencies, will take decisive actions to shut down unlicensed facilities and prosecute those responsible.

The public was urged to report any suspicious gaming operations to the authorities for swift action.

Source - newsday
More on: #Gaming, #Shop, #Kazembe