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Mnangagwa legitimacy challenger acquitted

by Staff reporter
22 Jun 2024 at 14:23hrs | Views
A Harare magistrate has acquitted ZANU-PF activist Sybeth Musengezi of electoral fraud charges after he contested President Emmerson Mnangagwa's legitimacy.

Musengezi had filed a court application in October 2021 challenging Mnangagwa's ascension to power within ZANU-PF, arguing it was unconstitutional.

Following this, he was accused of falsifying his address and party membership.

The magistrate ruled in Musengezi's favor, stating the state failed to substantiate its case with sufficient evidence.

The court highlighted that the state's evidence, based on ZANU-PF records, was speculative and lacked credibility.

The investigating officer admitted to discrepancies and improper handling of the case, leading to the conclusion that essential elements of the fraud charge were not proven.

Consequently, Musengezi was acquitted of all charges.

Source - zimlive