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Homeless woman gives birth in the open

by Staff reporter
28 Jun 2024 at 10:02hrs | Views
Imagine the terrifying and isolating experience for a woman with mental health challenges repeatedly subjected to sexual assault, resulting in pregnancy.

In Bulawayo's Nketa 9 suburb, a homeless woman, reportedly struggling with mental health issues, lived near local shops where she allegedly endured abuse that led to her becoming pregnant. Her mental health decline was noted by some residents from around 2021, though others believed it began later.

A food vendor, who preferred anonymity, recalled the woman arriving at Nketa 9 shops in 2021, initially showing no signs of mental instability. Over time, however, her condition deteriorated, and she eventually gave birth to a healthy baby girl behind one of the shops. The vendor described her as initially stable and recalled her story of walking from Gokwe, but noticed changes in behavior as her pregnancy progressed.

Despite her challenging circumstances, she managed to deliver her baby unassisted before being taken to United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) for medical care. Shocked by the revelation, the vendor reflected on the woman's assertions about encounters with men at the shopping center, acknowledging the truth in her claims despite initial skepticism.

The community, including Ward 25 Councillor Aleck Ndlovu, has rallied around the victim and her child, supporting them with donations of money and clothing. Efforts are underway to identify and investigate those responsible for exploiting her vulnerability.

Source - bmetro