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Dembare coach in car theft storm

by Staff reporter
28 Jun 2024 at 10:03hrs | Views
DYNAMOS Football Club coach Genesis "Kaka" Mangombe faces allegations of involvement in a car theft incident. Mangombe, also a policeman, is recognized as a promising young coach in the country, having even been attached to the Warriors technical team.

The case, registered at Borrowdale Police Station under RRB 6009609, stems from Moses Mkwesha's claim that he entrusted his Mazda 323 to Mangombe in 2015 for sale, but neither the car nor the proceeds were returned to him.

According to Mkwesha, their friendship deteriorated due to this unresolved matter. He expressed frustration over unsuccessful attempts to recover either the vehicle or the money, alleging that Mangombe has avoided him since 2015, even instructing his family to deny his presence when visited. Mkwesha stated his decision to pursue legal action against Mangombe, citing perceived changes in Mangombe's behavior possibly due to his coaching role with a prominent team.

In response, Mangombe dismissed Mkwesha's claims as an attempt to tarnish his reputation, emphasizing that Mkwesha should engage directly rather than resorting to public allegations. Harare provincial police spokesperson Inspector Luckmore Chakanza was unavailable for comment at the time of publishing.

Source - bmetro