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General Sanyatwe embroiled in chieftainship row

by Staff reporter
07 Jul 2024 at 05:41hrs | Views
Lieutenant General Anselem Sanyatwe, the Zimbabwe Army Commander, has become embroiled in a contentious chieftainship dispute in Nyanga. He is accused of exerting influence and attempting to dictate the appointment of his preferred candidate, Alexio Chinongwa Nyamhute, as Chief Katerere, despite objections and legal challenges.

Nyamhute's installation was scheduled but was halted by a High Court order due to questions about his eligibility and allegations of political interference. Sanyatwe, known for controversial remarks supporting Zanu-PF, allegedly used a party meeting to influence traditional leaders to support Nyamhute over another candidate chosen by spirit mediums, Chinake Mutseta.

Lloyd Kasima, a district development coordinator accused of manipulating documents in favor of Nyamhute, denied political interference but confirmed the postponement of Nyamhute's installation. Meanwhile, legal proceedings are underway, reflecting the deep-seated tensions surrounding the chieftaincy appointment in Nyanga.

Source - The Standard