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Clueless minister wins award in Zimbabwe

by Staff reporter
14 Jul 2024 at 04:58hrs | Views
Zimbabwe's clueless Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services Minister Tatenda Mavetera received the Outstanding Young Business Leader accolade at the 2024 Eminence Business Awards. This award recognizes her significant contributions to both the business sector and government service.

In an interview with The Sunday Mail, the former Studio263 actor expressed gratitude for the recognition and thanked President Mnangagwa for appointing her to a crucial portfolio. She emphasized her commitment to servant leadership and openness to discussing ideas for advancing the country's technological and digital space.

The Eminence Business Awards celebrate innovative excellence across various sectors, including business, public service, education, sports, and entertainment. Minister Mavetera, who is also the Member of Parliament for Chikomba West, credited her constituency for their support and thanked her family, particularly her supportive husband.

Other award recipients included Senator Dr. James Makamba, Agricultural and Rural Development Authority board chairperson Mr. Ivan Craig, Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe chief executive officer Mr. Clever Ruswa, and Trauma Centre Borrowdale chief executive officer Dr. Vivek Solanki.

Source - The Sunday Mail