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Woman attempts to kill ex-lover over sex drought

by Staff reporter
03 Apr 2015 at 08:24hrs | Views
A sex starved Bulawayo woman repeatedly choked her former lover for allegedly denying her sex.

Chipo Majono of Nkulumane throttled her ex-husband Wilson Ndebvudzembudzi after he refused to engage in sex with her despite her spirited attempts to seduce him, B-Metro reported Thursday.

Fearing for his life Ndebvudzembudzi reported the matter to the police leading to a court appearance seeking protection order.

Ndebvudzembudzi told the court that her former lover would just pitch up at his new home and demand sex.

 Once her request was turned down, she would go berserk attacking him and destroying property.

" I was customarily married to Chipo Majoni and we separated but she is always coming to my place of residence uninvited to cause trouble by insulting and assaulting me thereby disturbing my peace.

"The latest being on 18 March when she came during the night and forced me to be intimate with her but I refused despite the fact that she had on several times forced herself on top of me,' narrated  Ndebvudzembudzo to magistrate Evyline Mashavakure.

"Out of anger she repeatedly strangled me and in was rescued by my landlord who came to my room. By doing this she is also emotionally abusing me and therefore I need the courts protection,".

Majoni blamed her ex-lover for denying him sex.

"I do not agree with what he had said. I stay in the rural areas and whenever I visit him at his place of residence he is the one who would have invited me but would refuse to entertain me.

"Whenever I asked him for his attention  that is when an altercation," she said.

Source - Byo24News
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