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Businessman vows to cast ulunyoka on wife if she divorces him

by Staff reporter
05 Jun 2015 at 11:15hrs | Views

A Bulawayo businessman - Martin Changana has threatened to cast deadly ulonyonka on his wife who has vowed to divorce him.

Changana runs Desires Hair Salon and has told his wife Muchaneta that he would not hesitate to 'lock' her if she decided to break their marriage.

Muchaneta filed divorce papers at the Bulawayo Civil Court on Wednesday where she sought protection order against Martin.

Muchaneta claimed she is now living in constant fear after she discovered muti on her dressing table.

"I am having problems with Martin who was my husband before I filed divorce papers on  29 April this year because of his abusive and irresponsible behaviour," she said.

"He is not playing his role of supporting his children. He is spending all the money from our family business on beer."

"Whenever I ask him for money he gives me tickets he would have paid the police station after being arrested for public drinking.

"Martin is violent and is always insulting me with vulgar language in from of our children.

"He threatened to fix me by casting ulunyoka on me and as a result of his threats I am now living in fear. To make matters worse I discovered some muti in the house," she said .

Muchaneta added that she was starved of sex as Martin last 'serviced' her in August last year.

Source - Metro
More on: #Runyoka, #Ulunyoka