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Mass goblin exorcism in Zimbabwean town

by Senzeni Ncube
21 Oct 2015 at 19:11hrs | Views
Tsikamtandas are reportedly cashing in on "goblin infested" Cowdray Park amid reports that the cult exorcists will roll out their services to the rest of the suburb.

In some religions exorcists, also known as tsikamtandas in vernacular, are people who are believed to be able to cast out the devil or other demons.

These people perform the ridding of demons or other supernatural beings who are alleged to have possessed a person, or (sometimes) a building or even an object.

In Cowdray Park there has been several media reports and complaints that one of the city's newest suburb is cursed with goblins who are reportedly terrorising residents.

Three weeks ago, a quartet of tsikamtandas exorcised a home that reportedly sheltered a notorious goblin ‘Enerst.'

Cowdray Park residents have since formed a cleansing committee which will see to it that the suburb is free from evil spirits.

In an interview Cowdray Park Cleansing Committee chairperson Herbert Ngwenya said their role is to pool resources that would be used to pay tsikamtandas who are demanding a fee of up to $800 to cast the goblins out of the suburb.

"After the exorcism of Ernest, the team of tsikamtandas said there are many goblins in the suburb and residents want these removed," said Ngwenya.

He said different churches will be part the exorcism team that will ensure the suburb is cleansed.

Another member of the committee Willies Dube said those willing to help them in the exorcism spree are welcome.

He said residents who are keen could donate 2 rands per household in order to pay the exorcists.

"During the cleansing ceremony we expect every resident to contribute R2 as there are many households in Cowdray Park," said Dube.

Cowdray Park suburb has about 26 000 households.

However residents say despite the need to cleanse the suburb, exorcism has become a money spinning venture for certain individuals.

"These tsikamtandas are now looking for money, they want to use this opportunity to loot money from residents. I saw some one confessing that it is all super natural powers, they now seize this opportunity to hunt for jobs," said Enock Nkala.

Another resident, Musa Maphosa said residents in Cowdray Park should not allow the team of tsikamtandas to do the cleansing ceremony.

"Residents in Cowdray Park should not allow the team to do the cleansing at night, they use their tricks to put their weird things into our homes. It's all lies," said Maphosa.

Meanwhile some residents in the suburb said ever since the exorcism of ‘Ernest' they are at peace.

Source - Radio Dialogue
More on: #Goblin