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Mnangagwa ally slams G40 'dunderheads'

by Staff reporter
10 Dec 2016 at 12:14hrs | Views

Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa's strong ally, Gokwe-Nembudziya MP Justice Mayor Wadyajena, yesterday savaged key members of the Generation 40 (G40), labelling them "dunderheads".

In his Twitter posts, Wadyajena took a swipe at Higher Education minister Jonathan Moyo and Indigenisation minister Patrick Zhuwao.

This comes after Zhuwao — who is Mugabe's nephew — warned ominously that he would not support presidential aspirants whose backers used nefarious methods.

"Incompetent @Hon_Zhuwao is too irrelevant in the scheme of things. He is a well-known dunderhead," Wadyajena tweeted.

Zhuwao suggested at the weekend that some of Mnangagwa's supporters were using fear to try and impose the VP on Zanu-PF supporters.

This was after war veterans had previously warned that if Mnangagwa did not succeed Mugabe, blood could be shed.

Wadyajena also savaged Moyo.

"Everyone knows @ProfJNMoyo is a charlatan. ‘Loyalists' like @ProfJNMoyo & @Hon_Zhuwao are well known for their disloyalty," added Wadyajena.

Efforts to get comment from both Moyo and Zhuwao were fruitless as their mobile phones were unreachable.

This comes as Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA)'s Douglas Mahiya, told the Daily News that Zhuwao had "no moral ground" to comment on their activities as he was "not yet born" when they waged the war of liberation.

"Zhuwao doesn't know anything … He is trying to personalise or making it (leadership of Zanu-PF and the country) a family thing because you will never find justification when this issue comes from the nephew of the president.

"They want to separate us from the people, but we will remain with the people. We expect such a thing from Zhuwao . . . If it was not the determination of war veterans, he would never have had his dreadlocks and he would never have been a minister."

Source - dailynews