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MRP President Moyo's resignation letter from Agritex

by Stephen Jakes
27 Jan 2017 at 13:31hrs | Views
Following his resignation from Agritex, Mthwakazi Republic Party President Mqondisi Moyo has circulated his resignation letter giving details of his quitting for the Accounting Assistant job he held with the government department.

Below is the copy of his letter.

30 December 2016

REF: 3036060P


Dear Sir


This letter serves as a notice of resignation from service as an Accounting Assistant for Mat North Province. My resignation from the service is necessitated by the unfair labour practice by the Public Service Commission as the employer, Ministry of Agriculture as the parent ministry as well as Agritex Head Office, I hereby refer to the unprocedural transfer which was initiated by the public service commission on the 11th of May 2015 referenced P41879/2 which was written and signed by Mrs P. Sunguro the permanent secretary for Public Service Commission.

On the 09th of July 2015 the secretary for Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development also wrote a lateral transfer letter to me with the similar reference from the Public Service Commission which was signed by R.J. Chitsiko the Secretary for Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development.
I further put it categorically clear that my transfer to Mashonaland Central was punitive, I quote section 13 (4) which reads " No transfer shall be used as a punitive measure except pursuant to the disciplinary procedures provided in Part VIII".

I reiterate that I did not fail to obey a lawful instructions as per your insinuations where you cited Section 44 (2) (a) as read with Paragraph 3 of the First Schedule (Section 2) of the Public Service Regulations, 2000, as amended. I insist that you as the initiators of my transfer failed to obey the Public Service Regulations Statutory Instrument 1 of 2000, section 13 which deals on transfer of staff members, you behaved as if I initiated my transfer yet my transfer was initiated from the top which to me is a breach of the same statutory instrument that you are the custodians to.

 Both my transfer and cessation of my salary is tantamount to punishment and to cause untold suffering to my person and family which I feel is inhuman, unethical and lacks merit. I feel that whoever initiated my transfer and the cessation of my salary has an exterior motive driven by emotions and the whole saga lacks substance and to me it's an act of barbarism.

The third letter to endorse my lateral transfer came from Agritex Head office which was written on the 18th of August 2015 and was received by our Mat North Human Resources office on the 19th of August 2015.

The three letters were attached together and all of them were buttressing the point that I was to report at Mashonaland central by the 31st of August 2015 which was an 11 day notice, an infringement to my rights where the statutory Instrument 1 of 2000 clearly states that a member has to be given three months' notice.

On the 24th of August 2015 I wrote a letter to Head Office citing a lot of irregularities on my lateral transfer where I was quick to highlight that I was not challenging my transfer but the procedure, and these procedures are quoted from the Statutory Instrument 1 of 2000 in regard to the transfer of a staff member that is Section 13 subsection 3: a), b and 4 (1) ,(ii) and ( iii) , it was after I had made all these submissions that a telephone call was made to my PAEO that the directors have set in Harare and agreed to give me three months' notice dating back from 19 august 2015 to 19 November 2015 and I refused to acknowledge the decision by a phone call and requested a written down notice which was then written on the 12th of October 2015 and signed by B. Mache Director Agritex.

On the 1st of January 2016 my salary was ceased without my consent and no misconduct charge was laid against me during the time of the cessation of my salary. A misconduct charge letter was then written to me on the 25th of February 2016 a month after my salary was ceased and my charge was failing to obey a lawful instruction from the Public Service Commission to laterally transfer from Mat North Provincial Office (Agritex) to Mashonaland Central Provincial Office (Agritex).

It is my submission that the cessation of my salary was unprocedural hence no misconduct charges were preferred against me to set a hearing which was to determine the cessation of my salary, I further referred to the Statutory Instrument 1 of 2000 to find out what constitute a cessation of a salary of a member and the statutory clearly states that the salary can only be ceased if a member is on suspension pending determination to the misconduct charge.

 It is through these submissions that I regard my matter as an unfair labour practice. This is now the 11th month without my hearing taking place, at the same time I have gone for 12months without a salary yet reporting for duty. I further request for my salary and other benefits from the period of January 1 2016 to 31st of March 2017 which will be my last day at work.

I do not regret my decision and I am convinced that my time to move on has come.

Yours Faithfully


Source - Byo24News