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White farmers hailed over command agriculture

by Staff reporter
01 Feb 2017 at 01:04hrs | Views

THE Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (Arda) chairman, Mr Basil Nyabadza, has hailed progressive white farmers who have embraced Command Agriculture as part of the Government's initiative to boost national food security.

Speaking during a recent tour of farms in Matabeleland North where maize was planted under Command Agriculture, Mr Nyabadza said the scheme was poised for success as it had been embraced by all Zimbabweans.

"We have seen the success of the Command Agriculture which has been embraced by all the people in Zimbabwe. Here we have Mr Peter Evans (of Merry Ellen Farm in Bubi), who out of the love of his county is still here working 36 years after Independence working for the country," said Mr Nyabadza.

He said joining Command Agriculture is voluntary for the production of crops to sustain the nation and not buy food from outside.

"I think here in this farm we are seeing that the perceptions of yesterday really were not founded on good ground because here is a white farmer who survived the last 36 years, he adjusted, he is part and parcel of Zimbabwe and there is room for people like that," said Mr Nyabadza.

"Yesterday, we had a situation, he adjusted and he is graduating in a new Zimbabwe. The government of Zimbabwe called for food security initiatives and Command Agriculture is a key component of that structure, he is on board playing a key role."

Mr Nyabadza said Command Agriculture had proved that Matabeleland was not only a cattle ranching region but crops could also thrive.

"We are in Matabeleland North, when we were brought up, we were told that Matabeleland is about livestock but it's more than that. Here is a test case of reality, the finest crop under effective management. Zimbabwe has got all these qualities and we are joining hands and we have got a situation now where we must build and reinforce the traditions of yesterday," said Mr Nyabadza.

"We used to provide food to Africa, we can do it and this is living testimony of the will and the guts of our leadership of its people."

Mr Nyabadza was one of the officials who accompanied the Deputy Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Mr Justin Mupamhanga, on a tour of the maize crop under Command Agriculture in Matabeleland North last week.

They toured the Anju Prison Farm, Munroe Farm and Merry Ellen Farm.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development, Mr Ringson Chitsiko, a member of the Command Agriculture national subcommittee Major General Sibusiso Moyo and senior government officials were part of the delegation.

Source - chronicle
More on: #Farmers, #Agric, #Command