News / National
Masarira call for a push to abolish satanic regime
20 Feb 2017 at 05:40hrs | Views

Civil rights activist Linda Masarira has called for the citizens to push for the abolishing of the satanic regime of President Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF if the nation is to get out of its problems.
She said "at present my fellow Zimbabweans, we have a serious crisis, we are confronted with a situation that requires urgent address for the sake of our nation and its citizens. We are seriously facing a cultism complex that has presided over decades of plunder and virtual lawlessness and is the direct source of a whole series of exceedingly serious and grave subversion of democratic principles in our country, they are perverting principles which guided the first and second Chimurengas, principles which guided our own liberation war heroes."
"Comrades, we must abolish the cult of individuals decisively, once and for all; we must draw proper conclusions on what we need and what we are as a nation concerning ideological, theoretical and practical work, it is necessary for this purpose. As Zimbabweans, we have one history, one background, share literary the same ancestry but we lack a common goal and vision or dream for our great nation to the extent of letting an individual do the dreaming for us, the vision formulation and identify his own sinister goals which will then be euphemized as a national agenda."
Masarira said firstly, in African and Zimbabwean manner, people should condemn and eradicate the culture of cults and unconstitutionalism as they have long proven to be alien to sufferings of the masses as they most of the time facilitate those sufferings in bids to control power and establish their personalities more.
"In as far as it is cult maintenance they will not stop at anything as suddenly the welfare of the masses and development of the nation becomes trivial. Moreover, they are so out of touch with basic tenets of democracy as they have proven to be unconstitutional, intolerant, violent and are bigots who are totally ignorant of proper government administration thus making them mostly resort to their default nature (lootocracy/plunder/unconstitutionalism) most of the time to maintain their cults…and we should fight tirelessly all attempts at bringing establishing again this practice in one form or another," she said.
"Hero-worshipping and cultism are what indeed are killing Zimbabwe for they undermine any attempt to sanity as they tend to overshadow the law and other relevant institutions that if not corrupted will lead to the proper running of our nation. In Zimbabwe, we are a constitutional democracy but strongmen have twisted everything and now their wish and will is the constitution, government administrators who obviously subscribe to these cults are now using rogue legislations and unconventional methods, to satisfy the will of the cults be it diversions of public money or grand thefts to channel monies for activities that ensure the continual reign of and survival of a cult, they deprive and enslave the masses of basic rights of association, freedom of expression ,freedom of conscience."
She said in operations they call enforcing the law – University act, Ordinance 30,AIPPA,POSA,Law and Order section etc are and/or were all rogue elements meant to ensure the continuity of cults and satisfying the will of the most high-persona of the cult.
"Due to cults, our nation is now a police state which bars freedom to its citizens, institutions like police and army, instead of ensuring peace and order, are now denying citizens their constitutional entitlements, then wobva washaya kuti chakakosha chii POSA and AIPPA kana welfare yevanhu,wobva watoshaya kuti zvirikumbofamba sei," she said.
"Instead of ensuring our freedom, constitutions are now abused to enslave the ordinary citizens and violate their constitutional rights. This is done through devious amendments, enactment of rogue acts and sections that guarantee our freedom are countered by more amendments in such a manner that these political gods will have total power and are left unchecked."
Masarira said from Gukurahundi genocide to the willowgate scandal, court contempt by political figures, political murders and illegal detention and abduction of human rights and activists, general victimization of student leaders and activists, more plunder and looting of state resources, demolition of houses, total subversion of the masses will, killing thousands in political violence during elections.
"Uconstitutionalism perpetuated through heinous acts of omission and commission that resulted in the economic meltdown, manifestation of pathetic thirteenth century diseases(typhoid and cholera), salarygate, looting of diamonds, and insane public officials', earnings; all this happened in a state that has established laws, a fully functional police institution, a whole functional judicial system and a whole government with very weak institutions and strongmen/cults that disregard the law and get their will to be the law thus perpetuating unconstitutionalism," she said.
"The government and state parastatals are filled with highly ignorant and incompetent stooges and bootlickers who subscribe to a cult. Some of them are comrades who at some point were, after tests, declared more than 70% disabled by the war and acquired thousands of dollars compensation but nevertheless, because they know best the art of psychophantism and power retention, they are still in charge of key government departments they don't have an idea of what should be done to improve our nation and are milking millions through
graft and corruption. How they survive both from the law and keep themselves in powerboat can only be explained in one word, 'unconstitutionalism."
She said strongmen and political cults have long proven to be nothing but just bywords for unreprimanded corruption, terror, plunder and grand thefts of national resources, murder, unconstitutionalism, for it exactly are these traits that sustain them.
"That's why no one gets jailed for corruption in Zimbabwe, you have full protection as long as you were doing it for the cult. The cult will make sure that you will never get even charged by the courts(which are weak institutions compared to cults), but meanwhile the masses who dare complain are charged for the most trivial of suspicions of having an intention to complain, section 37(1) is there in our criminal code for this and other similar reasons," she said.
"During these #21daysofactivism campaign, at least 500 innocent citizens have court cases to answer to after getting arrested on the grounds of violating rogue and illegal statutes like the Public Order and Security Act(POSA)and Access to Information and Privacy Act which are in direct confrontation with the right to freedom of conscience access to information, communication and assembly which are guaranteed in sections 60, 61, 62, 63,64,65,66,67,68,69 and mainly the declaration of rights. As we speak now, Pastor Patrick Mugadza has now clocked one month locked up in Harare Central Remand Prison on the bases of clearly unconstitutional charges. This in essence in essence clearly illustrates how unconstitutionalism is celebrated and the main instrument of governance in our beloved Zimbabwe."
"Due to lack of constitutionalism, basic socio-economic rights are now being overlooked and not delivered by the government to its citizens. Basic and inalienable rights and social services like the right to education, right to Healthcare, right to shelter among others state obligations to its people are no longer being met. This is a clear sabotage not only to the contemporary generation but also to the future generations."
She said as citizens of Zimbabwe, they however are very much concerned about the government and state leadership's proven lack of political will not to only honor the constitution but to also implement this Supreme law to the benefit of the general citizens.
"Thus today, as part of the #21daysofactivism campaign, we are demanding that the head of state and government address this issue of constitutionalism which happens to be his number one duty as the president of the nation.We are deeply concerned by the complacency of the ministry of justice alongside law enforcement institutions like the Zimbabwe Republic Police to be torch bearers of constitutionalism in their operations. It is however with regrets that lame reasons like lack of resources are always cited when we raise issues to do with constitutionalism," she said.
"Dear President, as bona-fide citizens of this country with full rights we are demanding that you channel the millions wasted annually in celebration of your personality cult be channeled towards building the spirit of constitutionalism in your government and state institutions. It really does not make sense for you to prioritize and organise grand events of praise to feed your selfish egos when the people are suffering. We are well aware that these unconstitutional cults are a very small but united minority compared to the good willed but divided masses of Zimbabwe and this exactly is what gives them the edge to manipulate us all the time. It is at this time that when the retrogressive forces have united to do evil that we should coalition as good willed citizens to stop them from further harming us."
"We are very much aware that unconstitutionalism is what is killing development and progress in Zimbabwe in particular, and Africa in general. Thus today we are campaigning for strong institutions not personalities who abuse state power for selfish agendas and end up perpetuating unconstitutionalism. During this #21daysofactivism campaign we are striving strong constitutional institutions containing constitutional elements unsubscribing to personalities will result in very reduced or no corruption, a principled government loved and backed by a patriotic people, constitutionalism, and strong anti-corruption institutions will result in minimal corruption and abuse of state power at the detriment of the citizens of our nation."
She said "at present my fellow Zimbabweans, we have a serious crisis, we are confronted with a situation that requires urgent address for the sake of our nation and its citizens. We are seriously facing a cultism complex that has presided over decades of plunder and virtual lawlessness and is the direct source of a whole series of exceedingly serious and grave subversion of democratic principles in our country, they are perverting principles which guided the first and second Chimurengas, principles which guided our own liberation war heroes."
"Comrades, we must abolish the cult of individuals decisively, once and for all; we must draw proper conclusions on what we need and what we are as a nation concerning ideological, theoretical and practical work, it is necessary for this purpose. As Zimbabweans, we have one history, one background, share literary the same ancestry but we lack a common goal and vision or dream for our great nation to the extent of letting an individual do the dreaming for us, the vision formulation and identify his own sinister goals which will then be euphemized as a national agenda."
Masarira said firstly, in African and Zimbabwean manner, people should condemn and eradicate the culture of cults and unconstitutionalism as they have long proven to be alien to sufferings of the masses as they most of the time facilitate those sufferings in bids to control power and establish their personalities more.
"In as far as it is cult maintenance they will not stop at anything as suddenly the welfare of the masses and development of the nation becomes trivial. Moreover, they are so out of touch with basic tenets of democracy as they have proven to be unconstitutional, intolerant, violent and are bigots who are totally ignorant of proper government administration thus making them mostly resort to their default nature (lootocracy/plunder/unconstitutionalism) most of the time to maintain their cults…and we should fight tirelessly all attempts at bringing establishing again this practice in one form or another," she said.
"Hero-worshipping and cultism are what indeed are killing Zimbabwe for they undermine any attempt to sanity as they tend to overshadow the law and other relevant institutions that if not corrupted will lead to the proper running of our nation. In Zimbabwe, we are a constitutional democracy but strongmen have twisted everything and now their wish and will is the constitution, government administrators who obviously subscribe to these cults are now using rogue legislations and unconventional methods, to satisfy the will of the cults be it diversions of public money or grand thefts to channel monies for activities that ensure the continual reign of and survival of a cult, they deprive and enslave the masses of basic rights of association, freedom of expression ,freedom of conscience."
She said in operations they call enforcing the law – University act, Ordinance 30,AIPPA,POSA,Law and Order section etc are and/or were all rogue elements meant to ensure the continuity of cults and satisfying the will of the most high-persona of the cult.
"Due to cults, our nation is now a police state which bars freedom to its citizens, institutions like police and army, instead of ensuring peace and order, are now denying citizens their constitutional entitlements, then wobva washaya kuti chakakosha chii POSA and AIPPA kana welfare yevanhu,wobva watoshaya kuti zvirikumbofamba sei," she said.
"Instead of ensuring our freedom, constitutions are now abused to enslave the ordinary citizens and violate their constitutional rights. This is done through devious amendments, enactment of rogue acts and sections that guarantee our freedom are countered by more amendments in such a manner that these political gods will have total power and are left unchecked."
Masarira said from Gukurahundi genocide to the willowgate scandal, court contempt by political figures, political murders and illegal detention and abduction of human rights and activists, general victimization of student leaders and activists, more plunder and looting of state resources, demolition of houses, total subversion of the masses will, killing thousands in political violence during elections.
"Uconstitutionalism perpetuated through heinous acts of omission and commission that resulted in the economic meltdown, manifestation of pathetic thirteenth century diseases(typhoid and cholera), salarygate, looting of diamonds, and insane public officials', earnings; all this happened in a state that has established laws, a fully functional police institution, a whole functional judicial system and a whole government with very weak institutions and strongmen/cults that disregard the law and get their will to be the law thus perpetuating unconstitutionalism," she said.
graft and corruption. How they survive both from the law and keep themselves in powerboat can only be explained in one word, 'unconstitutionalism."
She said strongmen and political cults have long proven to be nothing but just bywords for unreprimanded corruption, terror, plunder and grand thefts of national resources, murder, unconstitutionalism, for it exactly are these traits that sustain them.
"That's why no one gets jailed for corruption in Zimbabwe, you have full protection as long as you were doing it for the cult. The cult will make sure that you will never get even charged by the courts(which are weak institutions compared to cults), but meanwhile the masses who dare complain are charged for the most trivial of suspicions of having an intention to complain, section 37(1) is there in our criminal code for this and other similar reasons," she said.
"During these #21daysofactivism campaign, at least 500 innocent citizens have court cases to answer to after getting arrested on the grounds of violating rogue and illegal statutes like the Public Order and Security Act(POSA)and Access to Information and Privacy Act which are in direct confrontation with the right to freedom of conscience access to information, communication and assembly which are guaranteed in sections 60, 61, 62, 63,64,65,66,67,68,69 and mainly the declaration of rights. As we speak now, Pastor Patrick Mugadza has now clocked one month locked up in Harare Central Remand Prison on the bases of clearly unconstitutional charges. This in essence in essence clearly illustrates how unconstitutionalism is celebrated and the main instrument of governance in our beloved Zimbabwe."
"Due to lack of constitutionalism, basic socio-economic rights are now being overlooked and not delivered by the government to its citizens. Basic and inalienable rights and social services like the right to education, right to Healthcare, right to shelter among others state obligations to its people are no longer being met. This is a clear sabotage not only to the contemporary generation but also to the future generations."
She said as citizens of Zimbabwe, they however are very much concerned about the government and state leadership's proven lack of political will not to only honor the constitution but to also implement this Supreme law to the benefit of the general citizens.
"Thus today, as part of the #21daysofactivism campaign, we are demanding that the head of state and government address this issue of constitutionalism which happens to be his number one duty as the president of the nation.We are deeply concerned by the complacency of the ministry of justice alongside law enforcement institutions like the Zimbabwe Republic Police to be torch bearers of constitutionalism in their operations. It is however with regrets that lame reasons like lack of resources are always cited when we raise issues to do with constitutionalism," she said.
"Dear President, as bona-fide citizens of this country with full rights we are demanding that you channel the millions wasted annually in celebration of your personality cult be channeled towards building the spirit of constitutionalism in your government and state institutions. It really does not make sense for you to prioritize and organise grand events of praise to feed your selfish egos when the people are suffering. We are well aware that these unconstitutional cults are a very small but united minority compared to the good willed but divided masses of Zimbabwe and this exactly is what gives them the edge to manipulate us all the time. It is at this time that when the retrogressive forces have united to do evil that we should coalition as good willed citizens to stop them from further harming us."
"We are very much aware that unconstitutionalism is what is killing development and progress in Zimbabwe in particular, and Africa in general. Thus today we are campaigning for strong institutions not personalities who abuse state power for selfish agendas and end up perpetuating unconstitutionalism. During this #21daysofactivism campaign we are striving strong constitutional institutions containing constitutional elements unsubscribing to personalities will result in very reduced or no corruption, a principled government loved and backed by a patriotic people, constitutionalism, and strong anti-corruption institutions will result in minimal corruption and abuse of state power at the detriment of the citizens of our nation."
Source - Byo24News