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Man curses a dead woman, says he is not done yet

by Staff reporter
02 May 2017 at 16:51hrs | Views
LAMECK Makwiramiti has no regrets for the barrage that saw him cursing a dead woman on her funeral wake accusing the deceased of being evil.

In a video that has gone viral on social media, Lameck of Mabvuku stormed at his neighbour's funeral, defied the cultural odds, speaking ill of the dead.

The woman allegedly ill-treated his daughter who had been impregnated by her son with Lameck accusing the deceased of pouring urine on his girl.

H-Metro caught up with Lameck popularly known as Garwe or Wrong Turn in his hood at his workplace where he was busy with clients. He is into brick moulding.


"I know people are wondering why I behaved like that at someone's funeral, so they expected me to lie and say that she was a wonderful woman. No, I will not lie, she was an evil woman who ill-treated my daughter when she eloped to her place after falling pregnant about three years back.

"I don't regret what I did at the graveside and if I could, I wanted to stop the burial and get answers first. No one should tell me about defying any culture because they are worse than me; they should have followed proper channels after my girl fell pregnant. I wish the woman could rot in hell," fumed Lameck.


Asked whether his actions at the graveside were premeditated, Lameck said his behaviour was all out of bitterness arguing that the woman died when he least expected let alone before she apologised for her actions.

"When I heard that the woman had died, I was so disturbed because I was hoping that she would come to her senses and apologise for ill-treating my daughter. Takatoenda tikanobata maoko panhamo nemudzimai wangu uye ndikatovapa mota dzekushandisa panhamo sevanhu vatakagarisana navo.

"Most of the women I overhead talking at the funeral spoke of how cruel this woman was but amazingly those same women during their graveside speeches were now saying she was a good woman. That really irritated me, it even got worse when the pastor spoke well of such an evil woman."


"That is when I got overwhelmed and decided to give my graveside speech, I have so far given the family a 48-hour ultimatum to approach my family or else the war is not yet over. Yes the 48-hours have lapsed and they have the Star-Fm crew to thank for the extended ultimatum. Star-Fm has requested that we both (my family and the deceased's family) go on radio to talk about the feud.

"So after the interview, I will give the family 48-hours to act before I proceed. These are not just threats, I mean every word because it is such people like this woman and her family who make the world sick," he added.


In the video, Lameck had threatened to smear the funeral food with human faeces adding that people will not eat the food at the funeral. Lameck indeed gave the family a torrid time after the burial as most people left the funeral without eating because of his drama.

"I really wanted to smear the food with faeces. I resorted to using a catapult which I wanted to use to attack anyone who dared to get closer to the pots. They surely did not eat the sadza and most of the mourners left without eating.

"I'm sure this evil woman is not resting in peace after the drama I pulled at her funeral. If it were not for the laws in this country, I would dig her from the grave and see her corpse rot," said Lameck who is of Malawian descent adding that he does not go to church arguing that some Christians were just pretenders who were equally evil.

He added that the women and her family had taken a ‘wrong turn' by disrespecting him: "She took a wrong turn and that is how I respond, not even her death could stop me from exposing how evil she was.

"Vana vanga vaita musikanzwa asi ivo wutsinye wavakaita wekudira mwana wangu weti pedzezvo kumudzinga zvekunogara mupark ndizvo zvakandirwadza. She could have at least approached me so that we resolve the issue amicably; there was no way I could have forced their son to marry my girl."

Lameck and wife


Lameck's wife better known as Mai Makwiramiti or Mai Garwe is really her husband's match if her words are anything to go by.

"Ndinofara nezvavakaita baba parufu uru nekuti mai ava vanga vaneutsinye. Hatina church yatinoenda but at least we do not pretend like some church women who act like saints yet they are evil.

"More drama is yet to come about these church women who pretend. This is the approach that we have just taken in life with my husband whenever we are provoked. We once caused drama at some funeral when the person who owed us US$50 had died. We stopped body viewing and demanded our money first and it worked."

The two are promising more drama until the deceased's family approaches them to solve the feud.

"We really don't care that the woman has died, the husband should equally suffer for folding his hands while his evil wife ill-treated our child. We fight our own wars and this is how we will protect the family."

Source - hmetro