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Schoolgirl beds four men in three days

by Staff reporter
12 Jul 2017 at 10:11hrs | Views
A FORM Two pupil from Nketa suburb in Bulawayo who allegedly ran away from home after her mother questioned her about her poor school performance, ended up bedding four men in three days.

This came out during the trial of Nqobizitha Mkhwananzi (29) following his arrest for engaging ins sex with a minor.

Mkhwananzi pleaded guilty and tried to exonerate himself from the crime by revealing that he was not the only men who had sex with the minor during the three days she was away from home.

He said three other men had sex with the girl (15), but he is the only one appearing in court in connection with the matter.

"I met this girl on my way from a sports bar on June 1 at around 6PM. I asked her to accompany me to my house and she agreed before asking for fresh chips. When we got to my house, I asked to have intercourse with her and she consented. We had sex once using protection and she spent the whole night with me," said Mkhwananzi before Magistrate Mr Stephen Ndlovu.

"I am not the only man who bedded her during that time. There are three other men who she claims slept with her during the same time".

Mr Ndlovu remanded Mkhwananzi out of custody to July 14 for judgement.

Mr Brian Nkala for the State alleged that the juvenile from Nketa 6 suburb met Mkhwananzi while loitering near Nketa Garage.

"Mkhwananzi offered her a place to sleep and took her to his house which is also in Nketa 6. The two had consensual sex once with protection and spent the night at Mkhwananzi's place. On June 3, the girl was found by her mother loitering near Nketa 6 booster. She took her to Tshabalala ZRP where she was interviewed," said Mr Nkala.

The court heard that during the interviews, the girl revealed she had consensual sex with Mkhwananzi and was referred to Mpilo Hospital for medical examination.

Source - chronicle
More on: #Sex, #Men, #Girl