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LIVE: Mugabe rally
21 Jul 2017 at 10:48hrs | Views

15:16 President Mugabe says Matabeleland North has created a name for itself as a province.
"Well done Mat North. Let other provinces learn. To those who have hosted the rallies, keep your lessons. Phambili ngeMat North Province. This is the province of John Nkomo and bequeathed to us that if you want unity, it must begin with you," he says before asking party supporters to repeat the statement after him.
His Excellency has finished giving his address.
15:14 He says violence is not Zanu PF mode.
"I hear there are groups that are moving around beating people. No, that is not our way of doing of things. If you see them, push them off the road and give them the punishment they deserve. Do not even wait for the police to come. We can not have criminals spoiling our good name."
15:12 President Mugabe says usually, universities have two groups, those who are Pro-Zanu PF and those who are pro-opposition.
"But the opposition are zero parties. They have nothing to offer. People need to check what are the proposals on offer for the nation are in the opposition. There is nothing there. They lack leadership and mobilisation skills."
15:08 "We are going towards elections, province by province, are ready for elections? Those youths who were 16 and 17 last elections during last elections, have they registered to vote this coming elections?
Our institutions, the universities have lots of young people, let us not ignore them. VaChipanga, there is another assignment for you
15:05 "I want our women to recognise what the youths have done. You are the mothers of youths. But in the Women's League, are we as united as the youths are? BoBaba, whether you are in the central committee or in the politburo, are you as united as your children are? If not, why not? Let us be united, the youths have given us reason to be."
15:02 "People must develop that sense of loyalty but first and foremost, we must ensure we are educated. Skills come after elementary and secondary education. As such, we must educate children without fail."
14:59 "I want to appeal to those in the diaspora to come back and work in areas like mining, commerce, industry and infrastructure. I don't see why they can't get the same treatment in terms of treatment if that is what is attracting them elsewhere."
President says Zimbabweans must be impelled by the love of their own country and serve it.
14:57 He has encouraged Zimbabweans to be entrepreneurs especially in the technology sector.
"Let us not scramble to be employees of a white man. Let us be our own employers. I want to see a black man forming a company and hiring his own people.
Perhaps it's coming but I believe it is belated.
14:53 "Zimbabwe is a blessed country that it is endowed with natural resources like minerals and plenty timber. It is good that more and more minerals are being exposed to the surface and locals will continue to exploit."
14:51 President Mugabe says due to shortage of drinking water, animals became so daring. They would visit our homes as uninvited guests. They would even eat our food we intend to use to feed ourselves. But we are happy because as things stand, the animals will not bother us.
"The soils are wet and there is abundant water on the land. We are sure if the situation is like that, there will be evaporation and more rains will come. We will continue to produce more and once again become the bread basket for Africa."
14:49 President Mugabe thanks farmers for responding to the call to join Command Agriculture programme.
"This year, we are all happier. We tried our best by combining efforts. Labour and inputs. We are happy, command Agriculture has produced massive, massive tonnes of maize. Even here, there is plenty maize. Every province, it is the same. So, akulamuntu ozalamba. We are not going to import maize anymore, I think, for the next year or so."
14:43 "I want to thank you again, even though you are young, for teaching us as elders, that you can raise crowds and are united. This is a phenomenon that the elders must grasp and learn. Thank you youths, for your respect and confidence in me. Let me say, I also respect you.
"I want to say to those of us who are leaders, look at what the youths are able to do. No fights among them. They are firmly United. They could not have achieved this without unity. They have no factions, and no desire at the moment to be successors, when the President is still there. The youths are saying NO. The women are saying NO. The majority of the people are saying NO. Who then is saying YES? Ngubani?" He says with light laughter.
14:37 It doesn't matter, izibongo zinengi/surnames are too many but we are bound by one surname. We are Zimbabweans. This is what umdala wethu meant, we must be together. Our children must inherit unity as something we bequeath to them. When we die, they will respect our graves. Not as graves, but as places where those who have left them are laid.
He says youths will feel compelled to carry forward the torch and protect the ethos set by the elderly generation. President Mugabe thanks the youth league for recognising that they are the leaders of tomorrow.
"Of course you are leaders, but you are young, the future belongs to you."
14:35 President Mugabe says the control and ownership of the land go together. He has paid tribute to the youth and Women's League for staying United. The youth and Women's League are all propelled by that principle that the country must remain ours. So, today, province by province sibantu banye/we are one.
14:31 "We must defend our land. Those virtues and those objectives we have about ourselves. The development objectives depend, first and foremost on having land."
President Mugabe says we need to pride ourselves as sovereign owners of the country called Zimbabwe saying "if we are to prosper as individuals, family or country, unity, unity and more unity is required."
It can not be achieved by any of us as individuals. It should be WE together. We together can defend our country and conquer the enemy.
14:25 One thing that umdala wethu (late VP Joshua Nkomo) told me when he was in hospital, it was unity. Ukubambana. He told me don't allow our nation to be divided. The other thing was ilizwe lethu. Our land. Why are these things important? Once upon a time, our land was taken away from us. We lost wealth. We lost our belongings.
It is important that we take ownership of our land, not as servants of the white man but we must own it to produce for ourselves, build our houses and rule ourselves on it as we beat our chest saying Lilizwe lethu/this is our country.
1422: "Here I have come but what have I come for? What is it that you want me to say? My heart is overwhelmed by your love and confidence in me. It is overwhelmed by your belief in me. In other words, ah, I am your your President. In other words, I am happy, I jump about. If I can't do it with my legs, I will do it with my heart. I jump about because we are united. I have the followers. Not just two followers like MDCs. It is the whole country. I pray that this love sticks us together."
1418: "But they have have followed up again now with interface rallies. Each and every province we have gone to, the phenomenon is the same. Massive people come out of their houses, from far far. Ordinary people are coming to meet their President. I think this is the fourth now and the successes are just the same. I want to thank you. Ngiyalibingelela kakhulu."
14:16 That one million men march, drew, I want to believe, more than a million people. We shall never forget that historic achievement by our youth and of course since they are our youths, it was an achievement by our party, Zanu PF."
We want to thank them for that endeavour which others thought would be a failure.
14:12 President Mugabe pays homage to Chief Mabhikwa whose jurisdiction Lupane falls under.
"We are here at the invitation by once again our youth league as led by Chipanga. We don't forget the massive, mammoth gathering organised by the youth when they organised each other to gather in Harare and interact with the President and thank him for the work he had done during the short period he was AU and SADC chairman
14:08 President Mugabe is now addressing the gathering. He chants phambili ngokulima, phambili ngokubambana and Phansi ngeMDC before making salutations.
14:04 Dr Mugabe has finished her address. Chipanga has now invited President Mugabe to the podium and Jah Prayzah's hit "Mdara Achauya", as has become the norm, is now being played.
13:58 Grace Mugabe says the Bulawayo Kraal Project has the potential to be the provider of maize seed nationally. This, she says will boost employment levels in the province.
:I will be back in August to check progress in Binga."
1355: Grace Mugabe says she came to the province in 2015 for the Bulawayo Kraal Project and is happy to announce that the project has 100 hectares of maize at the moment.
13:50 "Matabeleland North is a vast province which is sparsely populated. I am amazed at how you managed to mobilise all these people to come here for the meeting."
13:47 Chipanga says as youths, they stand guided by Women's League and more importantly Amai Mugabe. He invites the First Lady to make an address.
As Grace Mugabe takes to the podium, she sings Baba Hlala la uzukhokhobe. She thanks the youth league for organising interface rallies.
13:46 Youth League Secretary has also called to order ZICOSU for picking up fights with ministers. He has encouraged the students body to seek audience with their minister adding that if they want to be part of Zanu PF, they ought to behave.
13:45 Chipanga has encouraged youths to desist from abusing social media. He has castigated COZWA for perpetrating violence. He says there is a video of COZWA members doing rounds on social media where they are beating people.
13:41 "We appeal to the Ministry of Local Government to speed up the construction of housing for Government employees so that they work from here."
13:39 He has bemoaned lack of development in the province saying as youths they have since discovered that most head of government departments in the province stay in Bulawayo.
13:37 "We wonder what parastatals are doing? We know they exist because people are getting paid. We know they exist because of the seminars they are holding.
It is our humble suggestion Your Excellency that each minister tells us how many parastatals did she or he resuscitate."
13:33 The Secretary for Youth League thanks the Ministry of Information Communication Technology for working tirelessly setting up information communication centres.
13:32 According to Chipanga, Mat North is second province after Mashonaland East to construct their own party offices.
"This means Zanu PF is here to stay in Matabeleland North Mr President."
13:28 Chipanga says Matabeleland North is the only united province in the party.
"In other provinces, there is bickering but in Matabeleland North, you never hear anything like that.
"Mr President, this is one province which is fully behind you. They are 120 percent into it."
President Mugabe and Grace Mugabe arrive.
13:20 School children from Kamativi Primary school who have been enrolled to the National Youth Service Programs ask for permission to make displays for President Mugabe
13:14 "Young people in this province are united behind you. We thank you President Mugabe for paying homage to us. The numbers here are indicative of the commitment by young people and support you have in Matabeleland North," he says as he concludes his speech.
13:11 Mbongeni Dube is back to the podium to give his remarks. He welcomes party supporters in Matabeleland North. He describes this province is blessed with natural resources.
"As youths, we declare that you are our candidate in the coming elections. We are going to support you for the rest of your life.
13:08 – Vice Presidents Phelekezela Mphoko and Emmerson Mnangagwa great the gathering.
13:03 Youth League chairperson Kudzanayi Chipanga is now introducing the Politburo members.
12:56 Matabeleland North Youth League Chairperson, Mbongeni Dube introduces party members who assisted the Youth League in organising the interface rally. He singles a Mlilo from the Women's League, Matabeleland North provincial chairperson Richard Moyo, War Veterans leader Mguni and Central Committee members represented by Fatti Mpofu.
12:50 Florence Khumalo who is standing in for Chief Mabhikwa welcomes Zanu PF members to the area. She sings a traditional welcoming song.
12:45 The National Anthem is now being sung.

12:43 Already standing at the VIP tent are senior party officials who include the two VPs, Dr Sydney Sekeramayi, Advocate Jacob Mudenda, Dr Joseph Made, Professor Jonathan Moyo and Tshinga Dube. Zanu PF Secretary for Administration Dr Ignatius Chombo and National Political Commissar Saviour Kasukuwere are here too.

12:38 President Mugabe has arrived here much to the amusement of the crowd. As he moves around in a police Defender vehicle greeting party supporters, he waves the party flag together with the first Lady, Amai Grace Mugabe. Party supporters can not contain their excitement. They shout Gushungo, waving back Zanu PF flags at His Excellency.
12: 30 - President Mugabe arrives and moves around Somhlolo Stadium greeting thousands of party supporters aboard an open truck. With the song: 'Jongwe Rinotonga Rimwechete,' sounding, Mugabe is actually waving the Zimbabwean flag in the company of the First Lady and Zanu-PF Youth League leader, Kudazanai Chipanga.
12:28 - For those not a Somhlolo stadium, you can now catch the proceedings live on ZBC TV. We are now live.

12:27 - Mugabe says teachers now have more sources of information to research.
12:16 - He says the ICT facility will make life easier for both students and teachers and has helped students catch up with information where books are not readily available.
12:14 - President Mugabe has officially opens the Lupane Community Information Centre.
12:00 - Mandiwanzira expresses optimism that the facility will be handy for research purposes for both school children and Lupane State University (LSU) students
11:59 - The Minister of ICT, Postal and Courier Services, Supa Mandiwanzira addresses guests, says it is the intention of the government to ensure that all government documents and services which include passports, birth certificates, death certificates can be applied for online.
11:50 President Mugabe has arrived at the Community Information Centre for the official opening
11:42 - The President is expected to handover a total of 120 laptops to six schools Masenyane Primary, Mthuphane Secondary, Vulindlela Secondary, Jotsholo Primary, Kusile Primary and Makhovula Primary, all in Lupane. Each of the schools will receive 20 laptops.
11:37 - More than US$800 000 has been spent so far by POTRAZ in 80 out of 220 constituencies for the programme targeting rural schools first before it spreads to urban areas as it seeks to increase access to internet facilities in remote areas.
11:35 The two Vice Presidents, Phelekezela Mphoko and Emmerson Mnangagwa are now at the Community Information Centre formerly known as Lupane post office. They are now waiting for President Mugabe who is set to commission the resource centre.
11:35 - The information centre was converted from a post office to accommodate modern ICT infrastructure in line with the modern trends
11:31 - Zanu PF Youth Chairman, Kudzai Chipanga also arrives.
11:30 From the briefing, President Mugabe is expected to officially open a Community Information Centre here in the provincial capital.
11:26 Some of the artists present here are Magwaza and Madlela Sikhobokhobo of Ngamnanka uSaMamo hit.
11:19 - Ministers also start arriving including Dr Christopher Mushohwe, Saviour Kasukuwere, Professor Jonathan Moyo and Dr Joseph Made.
11:18 President Mugabe has landed at LSU grounds and is going for a briefing shortly. Meanwhile, an assortment of artists has been entertaining people as they wait for the interaction with the President.
11:16 The sound of planes hovering above multitude of party supporters invites excitement as signalled by cheers from the crowd.
11:10 President Mugabe is arriving shortly at Lupane State University (LSU) where he is expected to have a briefing with Matabeleland North party leadership.
11:00 The otherwise cold month of July has warmed up to the multitudes of Zanu-PF supporters who have thronged the Matabeleland North capital, Lupane for an interactive meeting with President Robert Mugabe.
Source - the herald