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Anglican Bishop vows to pursue Zimbabwe regime change agenda

by Staff reporter
25 Sep 2017 at 13:13hrs | Views
RETIRED Anglican Bishop Sebastian Bakare has said no one is going to persuade him to dump his regime change mission, because there is need for change in the country, as most Zimbabweans were suffering.

In an interview yesterday, Bakare said he was unapologetic over his push for regime change.

"I believe any normal human being cannot deny that there is an urgent need to effect regime change in the country.

Zimbabwe was Rhodesia, but with a very unfair colonial system and the idea of waging the liberation struggle was to effect regime change," he said.

"A lot of people, including myself, are not happy with the (Zanu-PF) government and we need regime change. Regime change is everywhere because this is the reason why most countries in the world hold elections after every five years. Democracy should lead us to think that nothing should permanently remain good. No one can ever persuade me that in Zimbabwe there is no need to have regime change," he added.

Bakare also expressed concern at the high unemployment rate in the country.

He said Zimbabweans should not remain observers, as the country's resources are being looted by Cabinet ministers.

"Most people are not employed. Ministers are caught up in corrupt activities, they are not expelled and they don't even resign and President (Robert) Mugabe doesn't even ask them to resign," he said

"So, can we remain observers with what is happening? I think it's unfair. Chiadzwa was looted under our noses."

Source - newsday