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Chiwenga, Mnangagwa, Mutsvangwa not friends of citizens

by Stephen Jakes
21 Nov 2017 at 13:26hrs | Views
Citizens have been warned that Zanu PF officials such as Emmerson Mnangagwa, army general Constintino Chiwenga, War veterans leader Christopher Mutsvangwa are not their friends and they must not expect any thing positive from them after the current political strife ends.

The social media users whose names are not revealed said "fellow Zimbabweans. Hear me now. Above your excitement, hear me. Pause. Stop. Reflect. Just a moment. Hear me now. Chiwenga is not your friend, Morgan is your friend, Mnangagwa is not your ally, Thokozane is your ally, Mutsvangwa is not your brother, Chamisa and Mudzuri are your brothers.

"Chiwenga did not speak when Mai Mujuru was expelled. He did not speak because it wasnt about Zimbabwe. It paved way for his friend Mnangagwa. Chiwenga did not speak when the re-run of 2008 killed your mother and your father. He did not speak because it was not about Zimbabwe. It retained him on his post. Chiwenga did not speak when elections were rigged in 2013. He did not speak because it wasnt about Zimbabwe. It was about him retaining his post. Today Chiwenga speaks not because it is about Zimbabwe, but because it is about himself. It is not about you. It is not even about the soldiers under him. They will not feel any change. Today Zimbabwe thinks Chiwenga loves them. Fellow Zimbabweans hear me now. Chiwenga is not your friend," said the social media users.

"Mnangagwa commanded Gukurahundu. 25 000+ of our brethren lie in their graves in Matabelaland. He doesn't love you. Mnangagwa made a man sit on a stove. Mnangagwa ruined Zisco-Steel, 35 000 families are now wallowing in poverty. Mnangagwa shut Mashava, 60 000 families go hungry everyday. Mnangagwa does not repent. Mnangagwa commanded the violence and murders of the 2008 run off. Mnangagwa killed General Solomon Mujuru in cold blood. Mnangagwa has all the gold mines in Midlands and he kills. He kills any claimant to the gold mines. Worse than Mugabe, Mnangagwa stands. If Mugabe had no heart,fellow Zimbabweans, Mnangagwa has no heart and Mnangagwa has no soul. Mnangagwa believes in force. Mnangagwa believes in death. He has staged a coup. Will that person accept defeat in elections? Will that person allow you to demonstrate? Fellow Zimbabweans, hear me now. You are helping a monster to crush you in future. Fellow Zimbabweans you will regret."

"Mutsvangwa is the war-veteran who terrorised people in 2000, 2002, 2008. It wasnt about you Zimbabwe. It was about them. With his war veterans they prevented your Morgan from being the president. The people's president Today you help him to sink root so he can further kill you. Fellow Zimbabweans hear me now."

Source - Byo24News