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Mnangagwa will not have a GNU with Tsvangirai - MDC official

by Stephen Jakes
22 Nov 2017 at 07:32hrs | Views
MDC official Discent Collins Bajila has said that there is now way the ruling Zanu PF at the moment can have a government of national unity with the MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai even when the party has disposed its leader Robert Mugabe.

"I said it. A party with 75% Parliamentary Majority and 100% Military backing doesn't need to share power," he said.

He said the now President of Zanu PF Emmerson Mnangagwa will not seek to have GNU with Tsvangirai as this was ruled out by Patrick Chinamasa.

"The new Zanu PF President Emmerson Mnangagwa will not go into an alliance with opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai as previously speculated," he said.

Speaking to journalists Zanu PF's legal guru Patrick Chinamasa said, "This is purely a Zanu PF issue, and there is no way opposition can be accommodated."

Chinamasa's statements pour cold water on Tsvangirai's hopes on the creation of an inclusive transitional authority, meaning he has to face Mnangagwa and a revived Zanu PF in the next Presidential election in 2018.

Mugabe quit presidency yesterday after escalating pressure from citizens and his party.

Source - Byo24News