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Man gets nine months jail term for abusing brother

by Stephen Jakes
27 Jan 2018 at 03:14hrs | Views
A Kezi man has been jailed nine months for seriously assaulting his brother in a dispute over unclear issue during a beer drink.

Sylvester Dube pleaded guilty to assault charge when he appeared before Kezi magistrate Arafat Kozanai. The magistrate convicted and sentenced him to 9 months imprisonment of which 3 months imprisonment were suspended for 3 years on the usual conditions.

Though he was a first offender and family man what aggravates the offence is that he used a weapon which he directed to his brother's head thereby causing serious injuries.

Prosecutor Smart Tafireyi told the court that on December 5 last year at 4pm the Dube was with his brother Thonisani Ncube (35) at Nyongola Business centre drinking beer when he asked him for a chat outside the bottle store.

When outside he picked a concrete block an struck him with it on the right eye and he fell down. He further attacked him on the head with the same block before kicking him several times.

Ncube was taken to a police station by villagers before being taken to hospital for treatment. A report made to the police led to Dube's arrest.

Source - Byo24News