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Top performing schools named

by Staff reporter
28 Jan 2018 at 08:09hrs | Views
A total of 57 pupils from more than 20 schools in the Matabeleland region contributed to the 773 pupils who managed to come out with 15 points and above in last year's Advanced Level November examinations.

According to a notice released by the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) last week the highest candidate in Matabeleland was Arnold Bhebhe from Mpopoma High, who scored 23 points with 3As in Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Biology and 2Bs in Chemistry and Physical Science.

Eight pupils from Matabeleland managed to score 20 points. Three of the pupils were from John Tallach High and these are Mkhululi Lemekani, who attained As in Accounting, Business Studies, Economics and Geography, Munashe Mhlanga came out with As in Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Physical Science and Chemistry and Mandisi Mlambo got As in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physical Science and Further Mathematics.

Two pupils who got 20 points were from Marist Brothers Secondary School in Dete and these being Ashely Ncube who scored As in Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Physical Science and Chemistry, Lokundolwesu R Kabanga came out with As in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physical Science and Further Mathematics.

Choolwe Nleya from Cyrene High came out with As in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physical Science and Biology. Busisa N Mthupha from Maranatha Adventist in Bulawayo scored As in Literature in English, SiNdebele, Geography and History. Mbongeni Ngwenya from St Bernard's in Pumula came out with As in Divinity, Geography, History and SiNdebele.

About 10 pupils from Matabeleland schools managed to score 19 points and those being Nondumiso Sibindi from John Tallach scoring As in Accounting, Mathematics, Business Studies and a B in Economics. Christine Musiwa from Regina Mundi Secondary came out with 3As in Mathematics, Chemistry, Food Science and a B in Biology.

Thuthukani Mathuthu from Cyrene High scored As in Computer Science, Physical Science, Mathematics and a B Chemistry. The other from Cyrene, Alfa Ndebele got 3As in Accounting, Business Studies, Mathematics and a B in Economics. Priviledge Sibanda from Magwegwe High came out with As in Further Mathematics, Mathematic, Physical Science and Chemistry B.

Keagan Pirikisi from Mpopoma High got 3As in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physical Science and a B in Biology.

Keamuhetso Masiane from Msiteli High came up with As in SiNdebele, History, Literature in English and a B in Divinity.

Lesly Mathe from St Columbu's High School scored As in Mathematics, Biology, Geomatry and a B in Physical Science, with Darryl Mazenge from the same school scoring As in Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and B in Phyisical Science. Elton Mawire from Sizane High scored 3As in Mathematics, Physical Science, Chemistry and a B in Further Mathematics. Trevia Moyo from Hwange Secondary got with18 points with 3As in History, Literature and Sociology and a C in Divinity.

Nine pupils from Mpopoma High scored high points in their Advanced Level, with the highest scoring 23 points, followed by another one who got 19 points and seven others got 15 points while five from John Tallach High scored 20 points, and two pupils from Marist Brothers Secondary scored 20 points, with the other two scoring 15 points.

About 13 schools in Matabeleland had their highest pupils obtaining 15 points, with one from Mzingwane High, Thekwane High, Wanezi High, Eveline High, Premier High, Njube High, Tennyson Hlabangana High, Herentals College, Nswazi High, Amandlethu High, Luveve High, Fatima High and two from Mzilikazi High School.

About 82 percent of the candidates passed the examination with grade E or better which was a drop by two percent from the previous year's 84,2 percent.

The number of school candidates for the November 2017 was 40 394. Of these, 40 078 wrote two or more subjects and 34 691 obtained Grade E or better in two or more subjects, yielding an 86,6 percent pass rate.

More than 9 000 candidates sat for the examination as private candidates. A total of 8 212 private candidates wrote two or more subjects with 5 183 obtaining Grade E or better translating to 63,1 percent pass rate.

Source - sundaynews