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Mnangagwa's Politburo meets

by Staff reporter
31 Jan 2018 at 11:20hrs | Views
The Zanu-PF politburo is holding its 316th ordinary meeting at the party headquarters in Harare this Wednesday.

The President and First Secretary of the party, Emmerson Mnangagwa arrived at the party headquarters 10 am on the dot and was immediately welcomed by the Youth League who showed him their social media-based campaign launch for the 2018 elections.

The Zanu-PF Secretary for Youth Affairs Pupurai Togarepi said the campaign, dubbed #EDHASMYVOTE, will be rolled out in all the provinces.

The meeting kicked off with few remarks by President Mnangagwa and followed by reports from different departments of the party.

Vice President Retired General Dr Constantino Chiwenga, who chairs the committee monitoring the rampant price increases by the retail sector, is expected to present a report on the situation in the sector.

The Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement Retired Air Chief Marshal Perrance Shiri is also expected to update the politburo on the state of agriculture where crops have been affected by moisture stress in some parts of the country.

The Secretary for Administration Dr Obert Mpofu is also presenting a report while National Chairperson Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri will speak on the party regalia and manifesto as the party gears up for elections.

Secretary for Commissariat Retired Lieutenant General Engelbert Rugeje will also update the politburo on the work his department is doing to mobilise the party for the elections.

The politburo will also hear about the President's recent tours of the region, his trip to Davos for the World Economic Forum and the AU summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – from Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister Retired Lieutenant General Sibusiso Moyo.

Source - zbc