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#EDHasMyVote campaign goes to Masvingo

by Staff Reporter
04 Mar 2018 at 08:41hrs | Views
The Zanu PF Youth League has launched the #EDHasMyVote campaign in Masvingo province, amid calls for youths to rally behind President Emmerson Mnangagwa in the forthcoming elections.

During the campaign launch, the Youth League grassroots leadership was urged to leave no stone unturned in wooing the electorate to vote for Mnangagwa.

"Our message to you is go to the wards, go to the villages and tell them that ED is the man we have been waiting for. He can lead us as a nation.  We will vote for him to defend our revolution, peace and economy," said Pupurai Togarepi, the Zanu PF Secretary for Youth Affairs in the Politburo.

Zanu PF Masvingo Provincial Chairperson, Ezra Chadzamira warned the youths to desist from being used by some rogue elements to destabilise the party.

The launch was attended by district chairpersons from across Masvingo Province as well as students representative organisations and senior government officials.

Source - zbc