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Two die after mistaking pesticide for beer

by Simbarashe Sithole
05 Mar 2018 at 21:55hrs | Views
The love of illicit beer (kachasu) has claimed two lives in Disi farm Mvurwi after in-laws mistook tobacco pesticides for Kachasu and died yesterday.

Sources familiar with the incident allege Bangoma Nzou (83) was on a Kachasu drinking binge with his son in-law Aleck Munuwa (66) in Disi where they shared tobacco pesticide which was in the same room with their kachasu bottle.

"The duo was drinking Kachasu in the same room that had a pesticide so they were now drunk when they shared toxic thinking it was their village whisky, revealed the source.

"When they discovered that they drank poison no was quick to rescue them hence they died."

However, efforts to get a comment from acting Mashonaland Central police spokesperson Petros Maskati were futile after he cited that the organisation was not at liberty to entertain private media.

Cases of Kachasu drinking are prevalent in Mashonaland Central and is ending disastrous in most cases as more deaths are recorded.

Source - Byo24News