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Payne Global scouts for talent for US scholarships

by Staff reporter
13 Mar 2018 at 06:02hrs | Views
THE Bulawayo Athletics Board (Bab) in conjunction with Payne Global Sports International will host an open track and field meet at the National University of Science and Technology on Sunday.

Payne Global Sports International will be scouting for talent for United States scholarships.

Bab chairperson Manuel Mpofu said they were expecting a huge turnout.

"The meet on Sunday will be bankrolled by Arnold Payne of Global Sports International, Lewis Banda, the current Zimbabwe 400m record holder, and Ndabezinhle Mdlongwa, the national triple jump record holder. These former athletes are currently based in the USA and asked Bab to organise this event, which will be used to scout and identify talent for USA scholarships," said Mpofu.

"We are happy with this move by former athletes to motivate upcoming athletes. Hopefully, we will have an impressive turnout. We invite clubs, schools, universities and individuals to be part of this great event."

Athletes from the ages of 12 to 20 years will participate in the trials meet.

Entry fees will be $1 per event for all other age groups and $2 per event for seniors. Relays entry have been pegged at $3 and $4.

Trials will be in the 100m, 200m, 800m, 1 500m, 3 000m, 10 000m, mixed relays and the four minute mile qualifiers. Field events will include long jump, triple jump, shot-put, javelin and discuss.

Source - chroncle