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Immigration bosses reject graft, sexual abuse charges

by Staff reporter
15 Mar 2018 at 09:02hrs | Views
Top Immigration Department directors have come out guns blazing, dismissing allegations of widespread corruption and sexual abuse of subordinates levelled against them by former employees.

Immigration principal director Clemence Masango jointly face allegations of primitive accumulation of wealth together with Givemore Charamba, the director of operations and Steven Museki, the director administration.

According to complaints lodged in Parliament by workers under them, the trio "joined Immigration from the police wearing sun-scorched suits and residing at Chikurubi Police Camp, but now own mansions in the affluent suburbs of Waterfalls, Damofalls and the Grange."

They also face charges of sexually abusing subordinates.

Addressing a press conference yesterday Masango said the allegations were baseless and sour grapes by fired employees.

"The public should be made aware that the group of malcontents led by one Nkosana Mtunzi are all former department employees who were dismissed from the service after due process guided by laid down disciplinary procedure," Masango said.

"There is no entity called Immigration Worker's Representative in the department or within the civil service. This means the platform here as created is a figment of his own imagination and he should not be given audience on this false pedestal."

Females formerly employed in the Immigration Department described in graphic details acts of sexual harassment they were allegedly subjected to by Museki.

Masango said the women only raised the alleged harassment when they were facing serious charges of misconduct which led to their dismissal. He said their accusations should be taken with a shovel of salt.

The former employees have also accused Masango of demanding bribes.

Masango claimed he was hated for his crusade against graft which he claimed had raised the ire of "kingpins of the old era like ... Mtunzi who all along had been doing as they pleased including underhand dealings to the detriment of both the department and the country at large."

"I am not ashamed of my Christian faith - which I openly practice and live - both in my private and public life. Again, I do not owe anyone any apology. I would like to reiterate that we will remain resolutely steadfast. No amount of blackmail or smear campaign will derail us from our mandate."

Source - dailynews