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Mugabe ouster, there is nothing new

by Staff reporter
03 Apr 2018 at 15:14hrs | Views
The replacement of errant leaders who violate the founding principles and constitution of the ruling party is not something new in Zanu-PF as former president Robert Mugabe would want the world to believe, as he himself took over leadership from the late Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole whose actions were perceived to be against the anti-colonial revolution.

This was said by the Zanu PF Youth League Political Commissar, Godfrey Tsenengamu while launching the #EDHasMyVote campaign in Mhondoro – Ngezi.

Tsenengamu said the people rejected Mr Mugabe on the same basis the Mgagao Declaration propelled the former president to the helm of Zanu PF in the late 1970s.

The firebrand ruling party youth leader went further to say the former first family had relegated Zimbabweans into second class citizens, adding that history shows  that Mr Mugabe is not the founder of the revolutionary party as he joined it at some stage.

"Mugabe is the least person to complain over his removal. He did the same at Mgagao before he was confirmed by congress in 1977. The same process of confirmation of President Emmerson Mnangagwa took place after the resignation of Mugabe. We are not second class citizens, so if Mugabe fails to respect our new leaders, we will denounce and shame him," said Tsenengamu.

During the launch of the #EDHasMyVote campaign, Zanu PF Mashonaland West Provincial Youth League Chairperson, Vengi Musengi rallied his charges to refrain from violence, saying those caught on the wrong side of the law will face the music on their own.

"We are saying no to violence especially among youths. If you are given beer so as to engage in violence, know that you will not get that beer in court or jail," he said.

Zimbabweans are expected to go for harmonised polls this July or August.

Source - zbc