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Prophet Magaya's court documents stolen

by Staff reporter
05 Apr 2018 at 07:19hrs | Views
SUSPECTED burglars yesterday broke into the offices of lawyers representing Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) ministries leader, Walter Magaya and stole computers, the cleric's court documents and title deeds to his properties.

The incident, according to Magaya's lawyer, Everson Chatambudza, occurred a day after they attended to the cleric's rape trial at the High Court.

The burglary happened at their Alexander Park offices in Harare and the case was reported at Avondale Police Station under RRB 3421301.

"I can confirm there was theft at our offices and the thieves stole three desktops, three laptops, destroyed a safe and walked away with our commissioner of oaths stamp, seal and our client's important documents. This is not the first time we have experienced such break-in at our offices, as it once happened while we were based in town," Chatambudza said.

Contacted for comment, Magaya said: "This is the second time that such a break-in has happened at my lawyers' offices and I have lost important documents in the process. I just pray that these are ordinary thieves and that there is no hidden hand or force behind the whole thing. But I know God will see me through."

Police spokesperson, Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba said she had not yet been briefed about the incident.

The alleged break-in came as Magaya was being tried for allegedly raping a female congregant in 2015.

Source - newsday
More on: #Magaya, #Court, #Dockets