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Matabeleland South launches #EDhasmyVOTE campaign

by Staff reporter
11 Apr 2018 at 07:11hrs | Views
ZANU-PF Matabeleland South province yesterday launched the #EDhasmyVOTE campaign in Gwanda.

A march from the townships to Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Polytechnic in Gwanda, the venue of the launch, drew hundreds of youths.

Addressing the youths from the province's seven districts, national youth secretary for external affairs Sibongile Sibanda said this year's election would be the first of its kind in the country.

"We are happy and pleased to see that a number of youths submitted their CVs for this year's elections as this election is a different one. It is an election with the new dispensation, a new leadership. The face of the President has changed, ED (Mnangagwa) is the one who was endorsed by Congress. Some used to see someone with glasses and that is the past.

"As we launch #EDhasmyVOTE campaign, we don't want to vote for people who will win primary elections and lose general elections. A candidate should come from the people and people will choose who they want to be their leader, whether poor or rich," said Sibanda.

She said President Mnangagwa will win resoundingly as he has done a great job in administering the country.

"ED (Mnangagwa) should win at all costs as he has done a great job in Zimbabwe. Amnesty was granted to prisoners to open space for all the corrupt people. He has managed to secure investments from his visit to China and mining equipment will be given to youths. Matabeleland South has vast gold deposits, use the equipment wisely," said Sibanda.

She called on party supporters not to be involved in violence.

"The President opened doors for investment and youths need projects and jobs. We are set to launch a goat project as the youth league and definitely the rainbow province will benefit a lot as it has the best goats in the country," Sibanda said.

Zanu-PF Matabeleland South youth league chairperson Washington Nkomo said the province would resoundingly win all the 13 constituencies.

"We are happy with the turnout of the march and as Mat South, we want to assure the whole province that we will win. We are working hard as a province to give the leadership their five-year term. For the party to go forward we need to sacrifice.

"We don't want older people to victimise youths vying for posts, allow them to participate freely. As youths we want to be respected for us to respect you more," said Nkomo.

Zanu-PF Matabeleland South provincial chairperson Rabelani Choeni told the youths that the ball is in their courts to ensure a resounding victory for the party and President Mnangagwa.

Source - chronicle