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Zanu-PF campaign machinery unveiled

by Staff reporter
05 May 2018 at 19:40hrs | Views
As the clock ticks towards the 2018 plebiscite, the Zanu-PF campaign machinery is getting well oiled with vehicles, billboards and various campaign materials unveiled at the party headquarters this Saturday (today).  

The President and First Secretary of Zanu-PF Emmerson Mnangagwa was shown part of the fleet of campaign vehicles and material by the party's secretary for transport  July Moyo and secretary for administration Dr Obert Mpofu.

Dr Mpofu said the party had started distribution of the vehicles to all the party's administrative districts to enable the structures to efficiently execute their mandate and ensure a landslide victory in the 2018 harmonised elections.

Contrary to its previous traditional approach and campaign methods, the party has also adopted multimedia adverts with electronic billboards as well as social media campaign running under the theme, "#EDhasmyvote".

Source - zbc