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MDC Alliance's UK trip seeks to tarnish the country's image

by Staff reporter
07 May 2018 at 06:58hrs | Views
Former Education Minister Senator David Coltart has exposed once again MDC Alliance's trip of shame to the United Kingdom, which seeks to tarnish the country's image and demonise the Zanu-PF Government by undoing the work of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister Lieutenant-General Dr Sibusiso Moyo (Retired) on his recent global re-engagement trip which took him to the US, the UK and Europe to explain developments in the country since November 2017.

Sen Coltart implied in his Facebook post that only the MDC Alliance had the monopoly to solve Zimbabwe's problems, accusing the new administration of President Mnangagwa of breaching the country's Constitution.

He also attacked the Judiciary as a biased political institution.

"The main purpose of the week (in Britain) will be to promote British investment in Zimbabwe in a new era under an MDC Alliance government. We will explain that the fundamental difference between the MDC Alliance and ZANU-PF is that we, unlike ZANU-PF, will implement Zimbabwe's new Constitution in full — in letter and spirit — and that we will respect the rule of law," said Sen Coltart in his post.

"For all Zanu-PF's rhetoric about Zimbabwe being 'open for business' the one thing they have never learnt in 38 years of misrule is that the single most important factor in any investor's decision to invest in a foreign country is security of the investment."

Sen Coltart's post attracted a backlash from his followers who accused him and the MDC Alliance of being selfish and not seeking solutions for the country.

Tendai Tee Rashayi said; "That is a very good thing to travel for business but the problem is you only want what is good for MDC not for the people. Please do everything for the people not for the MDC #Edhasmyvote#cos he is doing everything for everyone."

Mr Victor Mafuku advised Sen Coltart against joining "liars" to go on an international trip to moan about the country's problems to foreigners.

"Rather go and seek investors and tell us how many you got so that our lives can improve. This thing of going outside the country to go and shout about how bad Zanu-PF is does not bring you votes at all. Zanu-PF fights its own wars, when they go to China or UK, they go there not to accuse MDC of anything," he said.
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"It is surprising you are joining the MDC Alliance's scorched earth politics, travelling with a list of complaints to the former colonizers hoping that they put pressure on Zimbabwe Government, so that people can continue suffering and vote for MDC! This has failed before. Use that money to campaign in rural areas and focus on uniting with Khupe (Thokozani)."

He said the MDC would lose this year's elections again and continue to moan for the next five years.

According to Sen Coltart, the MDC Alliance presidential candidate Mr Nelson Chamisa and Mr Tendai Biti will have a series of meetings this week with British Government leaders, opposition leaders and officials.

They are also expected to meet journalists from the Economist, Financial Times, Spectator, Evening Standard and other British newspapers while Mr Chamisa will also speak at Oxford University and Chatham House.

Zimbabwe has been deriving tremendous mileage from Government's ongoing re-engagement drive as interest in the country has intensified across the globe.

Apart from hosting envoys from global powers, among them all-weather friends such as China and Russia as well as erstwhile foes like Britain and the United States since assuming office in November last year, the new Government has also locked down $11 billion in investment commitments as President Mnangagwa's investment pitch that Zimbabwe is open for business resonates in global capitals.

The President has also called on Zimbabwe across the political divide to speak with one voice for the good of the nation, promising free, fair, credible and transparent elections in a couple of months.

Source - the herald