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Mugabe throws weight behind Chamisa

by Ndou Paul
05 Jun 2018 at 13:00hrs | Views
The Robert Mugabe backed National Patriotic Front (NPF) has thrown its weight behind Nelson Chamisa.

Key NPF member, Jealous Mawarire today said Zimbabweans should vote for Nelson Chamisa as president on July 30.

Mawarire chanted the MDC slogan, tshisa mpama tshisa.

NPF is the brainchild of deposed former Zanu PF leader, Robert Mugabe and his close G40 allies who were forced out of the party during the November 15, 2017 coup.

Addressing the rally, Mawarire, who was accompanied by Jim Kunaka the former leader of the Zanu-PF youth militia Chipangano, said Advocate Nelson Chamisa is the only hope for Zimbabwe.

Speech by NPF spokesman Jealous Mawarire at Africa Unity Square

Source - Byo24News
More on: #Chamisa, #G40, #Mugabe