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Zanu-PF supporters bay for 'fraudulent' minister's head

by Staff reporter
06 Jun 2018 at 07:14hrs | Views
THOUSANDS of Zanu-PF supporters from Hwedza constituency have petitioned President Emmerson Mnangagwa calling for the immediate expulsion of Mashonaland East Provincial Affairs minister David Musayabana on fraud allegations.

In a letter dated May 30 and addressed to Mnangagwa, the Zanu-PF supporters accused Musabayana of fraudulently collecting $2 from each of the women's league 10 000 members in the constituency, claiming he wanted to open bank accounts for them.

"We are now saying that he has cheated us of our hard-earned money because he brought us Agri-Plus cards without any PIN numbers. When we went to the bank, they chased us away saying the cards where (sic) useless. We tried Hwedza police to bail us out, but we were not entertained," part of the letter read.

The party activists said they had also approached Chief Svosve over the matter, but he could not help as he claimed that he was in bad books with Musabayana.

"So, as Zanu-PF members, faithful to our party, we have decided to see our President, since Musabayana says he answers to no one other than the President himself. We no longer want to see Musabayana in our constituency, Hwedza North," they said.

They attached the names of those they claimed had defrauded them of their money as well as pictures of the Agribank cards they said were fraudulently acquired by the legislator on their behalf.

Efforts to get a comment from Musabayana hit a brickwall, as his mobile phone went unanswered since last week.

Source - newsday
More on: #Zanu-PF, #Head, #Minister