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Zanu-PF warns independents for abusing Mnangagwa's picture

by Staff reporter
20 Jun 2018 at 01:53hrs | Views
Zanu-PF has warned rogue party members that registered to contest the forthcoming elections as independents and are abusing President Mnangagwa's picture and name in their campaign material.

The ruling party's Secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu yesterday said at a press conference that such elements should stop their actions or risk facing the full wrath of the law.

Some losing candidates in the Zanu-PF primaries have registered as independents, but have incorporated President Mnangagwa's picture and the #EDhasmyvote as part of their campaigns.

"I am pleased to inform you that all Zanu-PF candidates were successfully registered at the Nomination Courts without any incidents for the 2018 harmonised elections," said Mpofu.

"However, it has come to our attention that some of our Zanu-PF party members have decided to contest as independent candidates.

"Some have already printed their campaign materials using His Excellency's picture to justify their position to the electorate. This is criminal and an act of political fraud. By so doing they are deemed to have resigned from Zanu-PF forthwith."

Mpofu showed the campaign poster for former Zanu-PF Central Committee member Noah Mangondo who was disqualified to contest the Murehwa South primary and went on to register as an independent.

The poster had the President's face and #EDhasmyvote inscribed on it.

Mpofu said they would report to the police anyone caught abusing the name of the party and the President.

He said some rogue elements in Bulawayo province were printing material portraying winning Zanu-PF candidates as members of the opposition in an attempt to mislead the party supporters.

"Let me warn them that we will deal with them through the legal systems of the country and we have reported them to the police to deal with them," said Mpofu.

"Finally, we want to communicate to all our provincial structures to immediately inform the Secretary for Administration and Secretary for Legal Affairs at the party headquarters any manifestation of such malpractices."

Mpofu said they were still compiling the list of all Zanu-PF members that registered as independents and it would be released in a few days time.

He appealed to those that lost in the primaries against doing anything that would jeopardise their membership of the party.

"We are appealing to all those that lost in the primaries not to do anything that will have them expelled from party," said Mpofu.

Source - the herald