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Chamisa addressing a live e-rally on his Facebook page tonight

by Ndou Paul
09 Jul 2018 at 12:58hrs | Views
MDC Alliance presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa will be addressing a live e-rally on my FB page tonight at 7pm as part of the movement's strategy to stay in touch with its supporters ahead of a make-or-break election.

Said Chamisa, "I'll be addressing a live e-rally on my FB page 2night 7pm. I will be holding e-rallies every Monday at 7 pm starting 2nite until final victory on the 30th of July 2018.2night I'm exposing why the ballot paper, it's printing, distribution & it's security is such a key issue!"

Chamisa has hit the ground running with a series of high-octane rallies across the country including in parts of Zimbabwe hitherto referred to as MDC-T 'no-go areas' like Mashonaland East and Central a move that may have rocked the foundations of the ruling Zanu-PF.

Running under the theme #Generationalconsensus, Chamisa has anchored his campaign on wooing to the electoral booth the youth vote forcing Zanu-PF to come up with its own #EDHasMyVote campaign.

Source - Byo24News