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Chamisa's postal vote challenge hits a brickwall

by Staff reporter
18 Jul 2018 at 01:38hrs | Views
The MDC-Alliance's bid to stop the police postal voting process hit a brickwall yesterday after Mutare High Court judge Justice Hlekani Mwayera dismissed the matter, saying the opposition had failed to provide evidence that the cops voted under the watchful eye of their superiors.

Mwayera said the alliance should have submitted a signed affidavit from an aggrieved police officer, confirming that they voted in groups and in front of their bosses.

MDC Alliance lawyer Passmore Nyakureba had submitted that thousands of police officers were denied the right to vote in secrecy when they cast their ballot at Ross Camp in Bulawayo last week.

"We went to the High court in Mutare seeking an order to have postal voting that happened in Bulawayo on July 12 be declared as null and void on grounds of violating sections of the Electoral Act which compels voting to be done in privacy," he said.

"We appeared before Justice Mwayera. She said we should have evidence. The matter was dismissed.''

Source - newsday
More on: #Chamisa, #Court, #Postal