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Polygamist strikes wife dead in other wife’s presence

by Staff reporter
21 Jul 2018 at 06:23hrs | Views
A POLYGAMOUS Masvingo man married to two siblings fatally struck his first wife with a log all over the body following a domestic dispute in the presence of her younger sister, police have confirmed.

Nhema Nyamayevhu (36) of Nyamayevhu Village under Chief Nyajena who was married to Molly (33) and Alice Elias (25) bashed the elder sibling and she sustained serious body and head injuries. She died upon admission to Chivi District Hospital.

Nyamayevhu is on the run and the issue that triggered the assault was not immediately revealed.

Masvingo police spokesperson Inspector Charity Mazula said the incident occurred on Monday at around 9PM.

She said the deceased's body was taken to Chivi District Hospital mortuary for post-mortem but the suspect disappeared after committing the crime.

"I can confirm receiving a murder case involving a polygamous man and his first wife. Police have since launched a manhunt," said Insp Mazula.

Meanwhile, in another incident a Chivi man stabbed his friend in the abdomen with an okapi knife following a misunderstanding over accusations of knocking on villagers' homesteads at night. He was left with his intestines protruding.

Insp Mazula said on Saturday at around 11PM, Mudyire Gondo (26) of Gonamutenga Village under Chief Shindi near Ngundu in Chivi allegedly stabbed Tafadzwa Gavi (21) of Shongamiti, ripping open his stomach.

"The two men were coming from watching a World Cup match at Shongamiti Business Centre. While going home Gavi accused Gondo of having a tendency of knocking on villagers' doors at night and this did not go down well with him.

"Gondo then took a knife from his pocket and stabbed his victim in the abdomen leaving intestines protruding before he took to his heels," she said.

An unnamed neighbour alerted Mr Gavi's father who rushed to the scene and took his son to Chivi District hospital where he is receiving treatment.

Police said his condition remains critical and the suspect is still at large.

Source - chronicle
More on: #Polygamy, #Murder, #Wife