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Chamisa employing violence against other Alliance partners

by Staff Reporter
21 Jul 2018 at 16:19hrs | Views
The following is a press statement released by Transform Zimbabwe National Organizing Secretary Tichaona Saurombe, who is contesting in the Harare South Constituency under the MDC Alliance banner.


I write this with a heavy heart. On Wednesday, one of my campaign team members, Sipepelapa, was abducted and tortured by thugs sent by Shadreck Mashayamombe in Harare South. This brazen act happened in broad daylight. The ordeal lasted for over three hours as we searched everywhere to locate our member's whereabouts. I reported the matter to the police (RRB N# 3609669) but much to our surprise nothing was done to apprehend the culprits. The complicity of the police in the matter baffled us.

This incident comes a few days after Mashayamombe  threatened to destroy my political carrier for standing as the MDC Alliance's Harare South official candidate. He has instructed his thugs to intimidate my teams. They have failed to wow supporters even with much funding received from Grace Mugabe. He is realising that they have lost the plot and are now showing their true criminal intentions.

Of all the people, Mashayamombe cannot elbow us out of Harare South. He is not part of our electoral pact as MDC Alliance. As Transform Zimbabwe we will not accept any violation of the Alliance Agreement by the MDCT who are seeking to impose Mashayamombe and forcing the Alliance  to have double candidates in this constituency.

I again remind our erstwhile detractors that l will not give in to their machinations. My resolve to stand for our democratic space is unshakable. The violent and murderous Mashayamombe is running scared seeing the momentum we have built in Harare South. The  constituency is fully behind my candidature and they will make good their choice come July 30.

MDC Alliance Harare South
Tichaona Saurombe

Source - social media