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ZEC working with Mnangagwa to subvert Chamisa's will

by Simbarashe Sithole
27 Jul 2018 at 14:37hrs | Views
MDC Alliance presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa accused the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission of working closely with President Emmerson Mnangagwa by providing the voter data base to him.

Chamisa made the clams at a star rally held in Mashonaland Central, Chipadze Stadium in Bindura yesterday where he addressed thousands of his supporters ahead of the 30 July election.

"I got a report today that ZEC is working with Mnangagwa to try and subvert your will, it has not been accountable, it has not been transparent, ZEC has not been professional, it has been a referee that is throwing missiles to join a team, the team of Mnangagwa, said Chamisa.

"ZEC has given it's data base of voters to Mnangagwa and l said how did you do that obvious bias and they lied that the saver had been stolen if it has been stolen why don't they get them arrested."

The youthful president said he was not happy with the layout of the ballot paper where they placed 14 candidates chronologically on the left side and put Mnangagwa on the top far right side.

"ZEC has done the design of the ballot alone in terms of the law it has to be in alphabetical order but they have designed the ballot in a very opaque manner in a flawed manner in a questionable manner, Mnangagwa is on top of the right side and l questioned why and they said he is called Chimnangagwa, so l said a person does not change his name," he scoffed.

Chamisa said he does not even know where the ballot paper was printed, but he has spies in Mnangagwa's intelligence who told him that he wanted to split MDC on tribal grounds and frustrate him to boycott the election.

"These days l have spies in Mnangagwa's camp who first supply information to me before giving it to him, l hear they wanted to split our party on tribal grounds using Khupe but Tsvangirai left us a legacy and said we should use the name MDC Alliance not MDC T."

He said Mugabe preferred him out of all the presidential candidates for 2018 and has welcomed the gesture.

"Former president said former minister of IT referring to me is a better candidate to run the country, but surprisingly these guys were giving me their old man after seeing that he failed the country but l am not selecting votes anyone who passes the ball l will score," he said.

Chamisa said Zim Dancehall singer Winky D endorsed him saying Gafa muparliament meaning victory was eminent.

"Now we hear Winky D endorsing me saying Gafa the real Gafa is me remember he did not say Garwe, he said.   

Chamisa scoffed at Mnangagwa and his vice Chiwenga for attending apostolic churches in garments seeking votes labelling them wolves in sheep's clothing.

"Now we see Mnangagwa and Chiwenga in garments at Marange apostolic church desperately looking for votes where they misfired on their slogan saying Tadya nemhandu and  vapostori said isu hatidyi nemhandu , mhandu ndedzasatani, bellowed Chamisa.

Source - Byo24News