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Houses mysteriously pelted by stones

by Staff reporter
17 Oct 2018 at 16:48hrs | Views
Residents of Garikai suburb in Bindura have been rocked by a bizarre occurrence in which stones are thrown at their houses from mysterious sources.

The Dzuda family home at number 1684 is at the centre of the drama with residents saying the family has been tortured for over a month by falling rubbles, quarry stones and even donkey dung coming from all directions.

When the ZBC News arrived at the scene, the most affected family had travelled but neighbours confirmed the strange happenings.

It is believed that members from some apostolic sect failed to exorcise the spirit.

Of concern is that the stones are only targeting houses and not humans.

Neighbours have not been spared and some were afraid to share their experiences because it is believed anyone who expresses disgruntlement is attacked with stones by the mysterious forces.

This news crew spent some time trying to catch a glimpse of the stone shower, but nothing was seen.

Only a large amount of pebbles, rubbles and bricks on the roof top are signs of the unfolding story and it remains to be unpacked where this said mystery emanates from.

Source - zbc