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Prophet exposes incest

by Staff reporter
29 Oct 2018 at 05:52hrs | Views
A 20–YEAR-OLD Bindura man, who was exposed by an apostolic prophet in a prophecy that he was bedding his 15–year–old cousin sister, was yesterday sentenced to six months in prison by Bindura magistrate Edith Chichera.

The sentence was, however, wholly suspended on condition that the convict performs 210 hours of community service at Chiwaridzo Police Station.

Representing the State, Edward Katsvairo told the court that the convict had unprotected sex with his cousin sister three times between April and September this year. The convict gave coins to the complainant to buy freezits whenever they had sex in order to buy her silence.

However, the matter came to light when the victim's mother went to an apostolic sect prophet in Mabvuku, Harare, seeking divine intervention.

Upon arrival at the place of prayer, she was told that her daughter was indulging in sex with her cousin and if asked politely, she would confess as she was being bribed with coins to not divulge the case. Quizzed by her mother, the minor revealed everything that had happened, leading to the convict's arrest.

Source - newsday
More on: #Prophet, #Expose, #Incest