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President Mnangagwa is a Ndebele?

by Mandla Ndlovu
17 Nov 2018 at 08:04hrs | Views
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has close links to the Ndebele people of Sibanda and Moyo surname, National Patriotic Front Spokesman Jealousy Mawarire has alleged.

Writing on microblogging site Twitter Mawarire said, "There is one thing that has not been told, and I intend on telling it someday. Trevor hates Nelson Chamisa because of his tribe and is hooked to Emmerson Mnangagwa because he knows, although Mnangagwa  lies that he is Karanga,  he is not. I will give detail one day." Said Mawarire.

"Mnangagwa  denies he is Zambian despite his family moving to Zambia but claims he is Karanga after his Sibanda family moved, together with the Moyo family, from Swaziland to live among Karangas and took nicknames like Mnangagwa and Mbengegwi. Ask Mnangagwa who Thenjiwe Lesabe was to him."

"Misheck Sibanda is his cousin, am not implying anything,  am just stating a fact."

Mawarire further alleged that the 2nd Republic was buitlt on a tribal dummy sold to the Karangas by non-Karangas.

"The so-called Second Republic or New Desperation is built on a lie about Karanga hegemony built by non-Karangas for political expedience. Those non-Karangas chased the late Vice President Simon Muzenda from Midlands for being Karanga (Rozvi) but now want to claim they are Karangas.

"Sadly some tribalistic people from Masvingo province bought the lie hook line and sinker. That is the reason why some of us from Masvingo province did not buy into this nonsense sold during the coup that it is now time for us Karangas to eat.Zimbabwe is not for everyone and no tribe is superior than the other."

In 2012 the  then spokesperson for Mthwakazi Liberation Front (MLF), David Magagula revealed to Bulawayo24 that they were ready to work with the then defence minister, Emmerson Mnangagwa

"We note that Emmerson is first and foremost a Mthwakazian. He hails from Shurugwi a district in Mthwakazi east(Mpumalanga province.)"he said.  "When he ascends to power a Mthwakazian will be a president of our Zimbabwe."

According to Magagula, Mnangagwa was ready to have a dialogue with MLF and he was in favour and in full support of the restoration of Mthwakazi nation.

Source - Byo24News