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Full text: MDC petition to SADC, AU
29 Nov 2018 at 14:28hrs | Views

To: Parliament of Zimbabwe, Speaker of Parliament, Hon Jacob Mudenda
SADC, Chairperson, HE President Dr Hage G. Geingob
AU, Chairperson, HE President Paul Kagame
Zanu PF President and First Secretary, Emmerson Mnangagwa
Date: 29 November 2018
WE THE PEOPLE of Zimbabwe and the Movement for Democratic Change.
ACKNOWLEDGING that the liberation struggle was wedged and many of our relatives sacrificed their lives in the pursuit of a truly free and prosperous nation where all citizens can pursue opportunities, prosperity and happiness without hindrance.
RECOGNISING that as Zimbabweans we aspire to be united in our diversity by our common desire for freedom, justice and equality, and our heroic resistance to colonialism, racism and all forms of domination and oppression by whosoever and howsoever.
CHERISHING the value of freedom, equality, peace, justice, tolerance, prosperity and patriotism in search of new frontiers under a common destiny.
DETERMINED to ensure that the ideals of the liberation struggle and the aspirations of our Constitution are realised.
CONCERNED that the post-independence state has failed to deliver on the liberation and transformation agenda as expected by the entire population.
AWARE that this crisis is deep-rooted and has collapsed all state institutions into the hands of a few uncaring individuals.
WORRIED that this crisis has created a vicious circle of post-independence sham and disputed elections that have created an unending crisis of legitimacy.
REALISING that a leadership without a people's mandate lacks the ability, craft literacy and craft competency to meet the demands of the nation.
PREPARED to ensure that a prosperous nation, developmental state and an inclusive society is delivered for all Zimbabweans.
Remain steadfastly committed to peaceful, non-violent, democratic and constitutional means to resolving our disputes.
We therefore note the following –
1. That those occupying the high offices are not there through the democratic process of a free, fair and credible election having imposed themselves into leadership through the 30th of July disputed election whose results are untraceable, unverifiable and unreliable.
2. That key and credible observer missions condemned the election highlighting that the process fell short of minimum standards. In particular the Independent EU observer Mission, IRI &NDI report and the Common Wealth observer mission report.
3. That a crisis of legitimacy emanating from events of November 2017 was therefore not cured and now forms the core of the Zimbabwean crisis.
4. That the economy has become the immediate casualty of the crisis of legitimacy and no tangible solution has been proffered in this respect.
5. That the social agenda has been abandoned by the authorities who now pursue an agenda of self-aggrandizement and enrichment
6. The Economy is characterized by the following:
a) A crippling liquidity crisis which has resulted in only 2% of Broad Money Supply (M3) being notes and coins. The rest being electronic transferable balances not backed by any value
b) A tripod exchange rate and pricing system owing to distortions caused by the creature called bond notes.
c) Massive shortages of basic goods including fuel and cooking oil.
d) Run-away inflation which is causing the suffering of the Zimbabwean people.
e) Negative economic growth on more than two successive quarters since 2012;
f) The absence of production and output;
g) The existence of excess capacity in the form of 95% unemployment rate as well as unused industrial capacity including low capacity utilization of around 20%;
h) An ever ballooning budget deficit
i) Massive informalization of the economy, de-industrialization, job losses and increasing unemployment
j) Unsustainable debt levels (The government has failed to manage both domestic and sovereign debt)
k) An uninspiring fiscal policy which is full of distortions coupled with cruel and regressive tax increases.
l) Corruption, nepotism and state capture.
Social Service Delivery
7. As far as social service delivery is concerned, the state has failed to deliver basics like health and education to its people.
8. Thousands are dying from cholera, malaria, road traffic accidents, tuberculosis, HIV/Aids, hypertension, diabetes, dysentery, typhoid, hunger and many other diseases of failure, a caring government can protect its citizens from all these.
9. The Public health delivery system is almost non-existent, drugs are in short supply including basics, the pharmaceutical industry is relying on imports resulting in unaffordability on the part of patients, doctors are fleeing the
public health space and hospitals have been turned into death traps.
10. Students are dropping out of school especially in rural areas, schools have no textbooks, experienced teachers continue to leave in search of greener pastures, and the ones who remain are not properly remunerated and are subjected to terrible working conditions.
Social Contract
11. Under Zanu PF, the social contract has irretrievably broken down. The people of Zimbabwe view the Zanu PF government as an enemy beyond reconciliation.
12. The social and moral fabric has been affected.
13. There is no more respect from each other, there is hate speech, violence including domestic and gender based.
14. Divorces have scaled up while rape and suicide cases are getting out of control.
15. The leaders have inflamed ethnocentrism in the Zimbabwean society, promoting regional exceptionalism and turning one tribe against the other.
16. The political environment is toxic with those in power seeking to decimate dissent, weaponising state institutions including the justice delivery system against citizens.
17. Exercising our right to petition and to lawful peaceful and constitutional right protected under section 59 of the constitution we make the following demand
A. An immediate return to legitimacy and resolution of the crisis of legitimacy in Zimbabwe.
B. Immediate national dialogue amongst all key stakeholders to discuss, and resolve the following additional key issues;-
1. Political and institutional reforms that include
i. Constitutional reform
ii. Electoral reforms
iii. Legal reforms
iv. Harmonization of Zimbabwe's laws to the new
v. Media reforms
vi. Ensuring the Independence of traditional leaders
vii. Devolution
viii. Making institutions independent and addressing state capture
2. Economic stabilization and Social Agenda
a) The restoration of macro-economic stability;
b) The pursuit of fiscal consolidation and return to cash budgeting (we eat what we kill).
c) The immediate resolution of the monetary and financial crisis through the following:-
I. Demonetization of the Bond Note;
II. Securing the existing RTGS balances in people's banks;
III. Strengthening the regime of multiple currencies in the short term;
V. Abolishing the Quasi Fiscal Activities of the Reserve Bank
VI. Resolving Zimbabwe's national debt
VII. Growing the economy through attracting foreign direct investment and creating a stable predictable policy environment
3. Nation Building, National Healing and Reconciliation
i. Guaranteeing peace and stability in Zimbabwe and the protection and safety of the citizen.
ii. Agreement and Construction of a common national vision binding everyone.
iii. Restoration of the social contract
iv. Defining a programme of National Healing and national Integration.
v. Defining a programme of transitional authority
4. International Re-engagement and re-integration
i. Ending Zimbabwe's international isolation
ii. De-risking Zimbabwe's international profile.
iii. Becoming an equal and respected member of the international community.
iv. Re-joining the Commonwealth
National Transitional Mechanism
18. Once there is agreement on the above, Parties should define a mechanism to implement the agreed programme with defined timelines, expected outcomes and goals.
19. We demand and propose the setting up of a National Transitional Authority to oversee the transition as the country undertakes the agreed reforms.
Immediate Interim Demands
Pending dialogue and discussion above, we demand the following measures to be taken immediately;-
1. The immediate scrapping of the 2% money transfer tax.
2. The immediate scrapping of the bond note.
3. The immediate scrapping of measure to levy duty on certain imports in USD.
4. The immediate provision of Foreign Currency to Pharmacies to enable same to sell drugs in local currency.
5. The immediate liberalization of the Exchange Rate.
6. Ensuring fuel and other goods and services are readily available and sold in local currency.
We contend that failure to act on all these issues will result in the continuation of the unpalatable suffering of our people.
Fragility will turn into state failure, chaos and an implosion will be eminent. We therefore demand an urgent saving of our country.
For and on behalf of the people of Zimbabwe
Minority groups
People living with disability
War veterans
Traditional Leaders
Business leaders
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To: Parliament of Zimbabwe, Speaker of Parliament, Hon Jacob Mudenda
SADC, Chairperson, HE President Dr Hage G. Geingob
AU, Chairperson, HE President Paul Kagame
Zanu PF President and First Secretary, Emmerson Mnangagwa
Date: 29 November 2018
WE THE PEOPLE of Zimbabwe and the Movement for Democratic Change.
ACKNOWLEDGING that the liberation struggle was wedged and many of our relatives sacrificed their lives in the pursuit of a truly free and prosperous nation where all citizens can pursue opportunities, prosperity and happiness without hindrance.
RECOGNISING that as Zimbabweans we aspire to be united in our diversity by our common desire for freedom, justice and equality, and our heroic resistance to colonialism, racism and all forms of domination and oppression by whosoever and howsoever.
CHERISHING the value of freedom, equality, peace, justice, tolerance, prosperity and patriotism in search of new frontiers under a common destiny.
DETERMINED to ensure that the ideals of the liberation struggle and the aspirations of our Constitution are realised.
CONCERNED that the post-independence state has failed to deliver on the liberation and transformation agenda as expected by the entire population.
AWARE that this crisis is deep-rooted and has collapsed all state institutions into the hands of a few uncaring individuals.
WORRIED that this crisis has created a vicious circle of post-independence sham and disputed elections that have created an unending crisis of legitimacy.
REALISING that a leadership without a people's mandate lacks the ability, craft literacy and craft competency to meet the demands of the nation.
PREPARED to ensure that a prosperous nation, developmental state and an inclusive society is delivered for all Zimbabweans.
Remain steadfastly committed to peaceful, non-violent, democratic and constitutional means to resolving our disputes.
We therefore note the following –
1. That those occupying the high offices are not there through the democratic process of a free, fair and credible election having imposed themselves into leadership through the 30th of July disputed election whose results are untraceable, unverifiable and unreliable.
2. That key and credible observer missions condemned the election highlighting that the process fell short of minimum standards. In particular the Independent EU observer Mission, IRI &NDI report and the Common Wealth observer mission report.
3. That a crisis of legitimacy emanating from events of November 2017 was therefore not cured and now forms the core of the Zimbabwean crisis.
4. That the economy has become the immediate casualty of the crisis of legitimacy and no tangible solution has been proffered in this respect.
5. That the social agenda has been abandoned by the authorities who now pursue an agenda of self-aggrandizement and enrichment
6. The Economy is characterized by the following:
a) A crippling liquidity crisis which has resulted in only 2% of Broad Money Supply (M3) being notes and coins. The rest being electronic transferable balances not backed by any value
b) A tripod exchange rate and pricing system owing to distortions caused by the creature called bond notes.
c) Massive shortages of basic goods including fuel and cooking oil.
d) Run-away inflation which is causing the suffering of the Zimbabwean people.
e) Negative economic growth on more than two successive quarters since 2012;
f) The absence of production and output;
g) The existence of excess capacity in the form of 95% unemployment rate as well as unused industrial capacity including low capacity utilization of around 20%;
h) An ever ballooning budget deficit
i) Massive informalization of the economy, de-industrialization, job losses and increasing unemployment
j) Unsustainable debt levels (The government has failed to manage both domestic and sovereign debt)
k) An uninspiring fiscal policy which is full of distortions coupled with cruel and regressive tax increases.
l) Corruption, nepotism and state capture.
Social Service Delivery
7. As far as social service delivery is concerned, the state has failed to deliver basics like health and education to its people.
8. Thousands are dying from cholera, malaria, road traffic accidents, tuberculosis, HIV/Aids, hypertension, diabetes, dysentery, typhoid, hunger and many other diseases of failure, a caring government can protect its citizens from all these.
9. The Public health delivery system is almost non-existent, drugs are in short supply including basics, the pharmaceutical industry is relying on imports resulting in unaffordability on the part of patients, doctors are fleeing the
public health space and hospitals have been turned into death traps.
10. Students are dropping out of school especially in rural areas, schools have no textbooks, experienced teachers continue to leave in search of greener pastures, and the ones who remain are not properly remunerated and are subjected to terrible working conditions.
Social Contract
11. Under Zanu PF, the social contract has irretrievably broken down. The people of Zimbabwe view the Zanu PF government as an enemy beyond reconciliation.
12. The social and moral fabric has been affected.
13. There is no more respect from each other, there is hate speech, violence including domestic and gender based.
14. Divorces have scaled up while rape and suicide cases are getting out of control.
15. The leaders have inflamed ethnocentrism in the Zimbabwean society, promoting regional exceptionalism and turning one tribe against the other.
16. The political environment is toxic with those in power seeking to decimate dissent, weaponising state institutions including the justice delivery system against citizens.
17. Exercising our right to petition and to lawful peaceful and constitutional right protected under section 59 of the constitution we make the following demand
A. An immediate return to legitimacy and resolution of the crisis of legitimacy in Zimbabwe.
B. Immediate national dialogue amongst all key stakeholders to discuss, and resolve the following additional key issues;-
1. Political and institutional reforms that include
i. Constitutional reform
ii. Electoral reforms
iii. Legal reforms
iv. Harmonization of Zimbabwe's laws to the new
v. Media reforms
vi. Ensuring the Independence of traditional leaders
vii. Devolution
viii. Making institutions independent and addressing state capture
2. Economic stabilization and Social Agenda
a) The restoration of macro-economic stability;
b) The pursuit of fiscal consolidation and return to cash budgeting (we eat what we kill).
c) The immediate resolution of the monetary and financial crisis through the following:-
I. Demonetization of the Bond Note;
II. Securing the existing RTGS balances in people's banks;
III. Strengthening the regime of multiple currencies in the short term;
V. Abolishing the Quasi Fiscal Activities of the Reserve Bank
VI. Resolving Zimbabwe's national debt
VII. Growing the economy through attracting foreign direct investment and creating a stable predictable policy environment
3. Nation Building, National Healing and Reconciliation
i. Guaranteeing peace and stability in Zimbabwe and the protection and safety of the citizen.
ii. Agreement and Construction of a common national vision binding everyone.
iii. Restoration of the social contract
iv. Defining a programme of National Healing and national Integration.
v. Defining a programme of transitional authority
4. International Re-engagement and re-integration
i. Ending Zimbabwe's international isolation
ii. De-risking Zimbabwe's international profile.
iii. Becoming an equal and respected member of the international community.
iv. Re-joining the Commonwealth
National Transitional Mechanism
18. Once there is agreement on the above, Parties should define a mechanism to implement the agreed programme with defined timelines, expected outcomes and goals.
19. We demand and propose the setting up of a National Transitional Authority to oversee the transition as the country undertakes the agreed reforms.
Immediate Interim Demands
Pending dialogue and discussion above, we demand the following measures to be taken immediately;-
1. The immediate scrapping of the 2% money transfer tax.
2. The immediate scrapping of the bond note.
3. The immediate scrapping of measure to levy duty on certain imports in USD.
4. The immediate provision of Foreign Currency to Pharmacies to enable same to sell drugs in local currency.
5. The immediate liberalization of the Exchange Rate.
6. Ensuring fuel and other goods and services are readily available and sold in local currency.
We contend that failure to act on all these issues will result in the continuation of the unpalatable suffering of our people.
Fragility will turn into state failure, chaos and an implosion will be eminent. We therefore demand an urgent saving of our country.
For and on behalf of the people of Zimbabwe
Minority groups
People living with disability
War veterans
Traditional Leaders
Business leaders
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Source - Byo24News